getMetaData method

Future<List<MetaDataEntry>> getMetaData(
  1. String entry, {
  2. String? mailboxName,
  3. int? maxSize,
  4. MetaDataDepth? depth,

Retrieves the specified meta data entry.

entry defines the path of the meta data Optionally specify mailboxName, the maxSize in bytes or the depth.

Compare for details. Note that errata of the RFC exist.


Future<List<MetaDataEntry>> getMetaData(String entry,
    {String? mailboxName, int? maxSize, MetaDataDepth? depth}) {
  var cmd = 'GETMETADATA ';
  if (maxSize != null || depth != null) {
    cmd += '(';
  if (maxSize != null) {
    cmd += 'MAXSIZE $maxSize';
  if (depth != null) {
    if (maxSize != null) {
      cmd += ' ';
    cmd += 'DEPTH ';
    switch (depth) {
      case MetaDataDepth.none:
        cmd += '0';
      case MetaDataDepth.directChildren:
        cmd += '1';
      case MetaDataDepth.allChildren:
        cmd += 'infinity';
  if (maxSize != null || depth != null) {
    cmd += ') ';
  cmd += '"${mailboxName ?? ''}" ($entry)';
  final parser = MetaDataParser();
  return sendCommand<List<MetaDataEntry>>(Command(cmd), parser);