Enhanced Paginated View

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The EnhancedPaginatedView package offers a flexible, highly customizable builder function that supports various scrollable widgets like ListView, GridView, or Slivers. With dynamic layout rendering and options for handling loading states, errors, and scroll behavior, it simplifies the implementation of paginated views. Whether using box-based or sliver-based layouts, it optimizes performance for large data sets while enhancing the user experience without the need to rewrite code for each widget.

List View Grid View
List View GridView


  • Supports box-based or sliver-based views for flexible UI layouts
  • Customizable scroll direction (forward or reverse)
  • Integrated error handling and retry mechanisms
  • Customizable loading indicators
  • Support for infinite scrolling and manual pagination control
  • Delegate-based architecture for data handling
  • Compatible with various state management solutions (e.g., BLoC, Riverpod)

Getting Started

To use EnhancedPaginatedView, add it to your pubspec.yaml:

  enhanced_paginated_view: ^latest_version

Then import it in your Dart file:

import 'package:enhanced_paginated_view/enhanced_paginated_view.dart';


EnhancedPaginatedView can be used in two primary modes: box-based view and sliver-based view. Choose the one that best fits your layout needs.

Box-Based View Example

  onLoadMore: (int page) {
    // Load more data
  hasReachedMax: false,
  itemsPerPage: 15,
  delegate: EnhancedDelegate(
    listOfData: yourDataList,
    status: EnhancedStatus.loaded,
  builder: (items, physics, reverse, shrinkWrap) {
    return ListView.builder(
      itemCount: items.length,
      physics: physics,
      shrinkWrap: shrinkWrap,
      reverse: reverse,
      itemBuilder: (context, index) {
        return ListTile(title: Text(items[index].toString()));

Sliver-Based View Example

  onLoadMore: (int page) {
    // Load more data
  hasReachedMax: false,
  itemsPerPage: 15,
  delegate: EnhancedDelegate<YourDataType>(
    listOfData: yourDataList,
    status: EnhancedStatus.loaded,
  builder: (context, data) {
    return SliverGrid.builder(
      gridDelegate: const SliverGridDelegateWithFixedCrossAxisCount(
        crossAxisCount: 2,
        crossAxisSpacing: 16,
        mainAxisSpacing: 16,
        childAspectRatio: 1,
      itemCount: data.length,
      itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
        return GridWidget(item: data[index], index: index);

Key Components

1. EnhancedPaginatedView Widget

The primary widget in the package, supporting both box-based and sliver-based views.

Constructor Parameters:

  • onLoadMore (required): Callback function triggered when scrolling to the list bottom.
  • hasReachedMax (required): Boolean controlling whether to load more items.
  • itemsPerPage: Optional integer setting items loaded per page (default: 15).
  • delegate (required): EnhancedDelegate instance providing data and configuration.
  • builder (required): Function for building each scroll view.
  • direction: Defines scroll direction (default: EnhancedViewDirection.forward).

2. EnhancedDelegate Class

Manages data and provides configuration options for EnhancedPaginatedView.


  • listOfData (required): List of items to display.
  • status (required): Current status (loading, loaded, or error).
  • physics: Custom scroll physics (optional).
  • removeDuplicatedItems: Boolean to remove duplicates (default: true).
  • scrollDirection: Scroll direction (default: Axis.vertical).
  • crossAxisAlignment: Alignment of children along cross-axis (default: CrossAxisAlignment.center).
  • header: Widget displayed at list top (optional).
  • emptyWidgetConfig: Configuration for empty state widget.
  • loadingConfig: Configuration for loading widget.
  • errorPageConfig: Configuration for error page.
  • errorLoadMoreConfig: Configuration for load-more error message.

3. Loading, Error, and Empty States

Customizable UI components for various states:


  pageWidget: CircularProgressIndicator(),
  loadMoreWidget: CircularProgressIndicator(),


  title: "Error loading data",
  description: "Something went wrong.",
  btnText: "Retry",
  onRetry: () => loadMore(1),
  customButton: CustomButton(),
  customView: CustomErrorPageView()


  title: "No data found",
  customView: CustomEmptyView(),

Enum Types


enum EnhancedStatus {


enum EnhancedViewDirection {

Examples with Different State Management Approaches

The package includes examples demonstrating integration with various state management solutions:

  1. Native Flutter (setState): A basic example using Flutter's built-in state management.
  2. BLoC: An example showcasing integration with the BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern.
  3. Riverpod: Demonstrates usage with the Riverpod state management library.

These examples can be found in the package's GitHub repository under the example folder. They provide clear, concise implementations to help you integrate EnhancedPaginatedView with your preferred state management solution.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For more information, feature requests, or bug reports, please visit the GitHub repository.