Encrypted_key 🔐

A Dart CLI for encrypting sensitive data in ASCII format / decrypting ASCII key to raw string.

The goal is to never write raw sensitive data into the code but to generate it with this CLI and inject it via a CI, like bitrise.

Getting Started 🚀

From pub, activate globally via:

dart pub global activate encrypted_key

Or locally with forking repo via:

dart pub global activate --source=path <path to this package>

Usage ⚒️

# Encrypting command
$ encrypted_key encrypt -e <value to encrypt>

# Decrypting command
$ encrypted_key decrypt -d <ASCII to decrypt>

# Show CLI version
$ encrypted_key --version

# Show usage help
$ encrypted_key --help


test aren't implemented yet, but will be soon


encrypted_key, A Dart CLI for encrypting sensitive data in ASCII format