SharedPreferences class

Wraps NSUserDefaults (on iOS) and SharedPreferences (on Android), providing a persistent store for simple data.

Data is persisted to disk asynchronously.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


clear() Future<bool>
Completes with true once the user preferences for the app has been cleared.
commit() Future<bool>
Always returns true. On iOS, synchronize is marked deprecated. On Android, we commit every set.
containsKey(String key) bool
Returns true if the persistent storage contains the given key.
get(String key) Object?
Reads a value of any type from persistent storage.
getBool(String key) bool?
Reads a value from persistent storage, throwing an exception if it's not a bool.
getDouble(String key) double?
Reads a value from persistent storage, throwing an exception if it's not a double.
getInt(String key) int?
Reads a value from persistent storage, throwing an exception if it's not an int.
getKeys() Set<String>
Returns all keys in the persistent storage.
getString(String key) String?
Reads a value from persistent storage, throwing an exception if it's not a String.
getStringList(String key) List<String>?
Reads a set of string values from persistent storage, throwing an exception if it's not a string set.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reload() Future<void>
Fetches the latest values from the host platform.
remove(String key) Future<bool>
Removes an entry from persistent storage.
setBool(String key, bool value) Future<bool>
Saves a boolean value to persistent storage in the background.
setDouble(String key, double value) Future<bool>
Saves a double value to persistent storage in the background.
setInt(String key, int value) Future<bool>
Saves an integer value to persistent storage in the background.
setString(String key, String value) Future<bool>
Saves a string value to persistent storage in the background.
setStringList(String key, List<String> value) Future<bool>
Saves a list of strings value to persistent storage in the background.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

getInstance() Future<SharedPreferences>
Loads and parses the SharedPreferences for this app from disk.
resetStatic() → void
Resets class's static values to allow for testing of setPrefix flow.
setMockInitialValues(Map<String, Object> values) → void
Initializes the shared preferences with mock values for testing.
setPrefix(String prefix, {Set<String>? allowList}) → void
Sets the prefix that is attached to all keys for all shared preferences.