elliptic library

library elliptic provides a simple interface to elliptic curve cryptography.


EllipticCurve is the implement for Curve.
PublicKey represents a public key which is a point on a 2d Curve, taking BigInt X, Y as the coordinates on axis


ErrInvalidPrivateKeyHexLength EllipticException
getter/setter pair
ErrInvalidPublicKeyHexLength EllipticException
getter/setter pair
ErrInvalidPublicKeyHexPrefix EllipticException
getter/setter pair
mask List<int>
getter/setter pair


getP128() Curve
getP128 returns a EllipticCurve which implements P-128 (see SEC2-Ver-1.0, section 2.3.1).
getP224() Curve
getP224 returns a EllipticCurve which implements P-224 (see FIPS 186-3, section D.2.2).
getP256() EllipticCurve
getP256 returns a EllipticCurve which implements NIST P-256 (FIPS 186-3, section D.2.3), also known as secp256r1 or prime256v1. The CurveParams.Name of this Curve is "P-256".
getP384() Curve
getP384 returns a EllipticCurve which implements NIST P-384 (FIPS 186-3, section D.2.4), also known as secp384r1. The CurveParams.Name of this Curve is "P-384".
getP521() Curve
getP521 returns a EllipticCurve which implements NIST P-521 (FIPS 186-3, section D.2.5), also known as secp521r1. The CurveParams.Name of this Curve is "P-521".
getS224() Curve
getS224 returns a EllipticCurve which implements S-224, aka secp224k1
getS256() Curve
getS256 returns a EllipticCurve which implements S-256, aka secp256k1
getSecp128r1() Curve
getSecp128r1 is same to getP128
getSecp224k1() Curve
getSecp224k1 is same to getS224
getSecp224r1() Curve
getSecp224r1 is same to getP224
getSecp256k1() Curve
getSecp256k1 is same to getS256
getSecp256r1() Curve
getSecp256r1 is same to getP256
getSecp384r1() Curve
getSecp384r1 is same to getP384
getSecp521r1() Curve
getSecp521r1 is same to getP521
zForAffine(AffinePoint p) BigInt

Exceptions / Errors
