ZIO<R, E, A> class

Represents an operation that can fail with requirements

Available Extensions


ZIO(A f())
Create a synchronous ZIO from a function, returning a IO that can't fail.
ZIO.async(void f(AsyncContext<E, A> resume))
ZIO.asyncInterrupt(IO<Unit> f(AsyncContext<E, A> $))
ZIO.die(dynamic defect)
Create a ZIO that fails with the given defect.
ZIO.Do(DoFunction<R, E, A> f)
Do notation for ZIO. You can use async/await to write your code in a imperative style.
ZIO.envWith(A f(R env))
Retrieve the current environment of the ZIO and pass it to the given function, returning the result.
ZIO.envWithZIO(ZIO<NoEnv, E, A> f(R env))
Retrieve the current environment of the ZIO and pass it to the given function, returning the result of the resulting ZIO.
ZIO.fail(E e)
Create a ZIO that fails with e.
ZIO.failCause(Cause<E> cause)
Create a ZIO that fails with the given cause.
ZIO.from(FutureOr<Exit<E, A>> run(ZIOContext<R> ctx))
Creates a ZIO from a function that takes a ZIOContext and returns a FutureOr of Exit
ZIO.fromEither(Either<E, A> ea)
Create a ZIO from the given Either, succeeding when it is a Right, and failing when it is a Left.
ZIO.fromExit(Exit<E, A> ea)
Create a ZIO from the given Exit.
ZIO.fromNullableOrFail(A? a, E onNull())
Create a EIO from the given nullable value, succeeding when it is not null, and failing with the result of onNull when it is null.
ZIO.fromOptionOrFail(Option<A> oa, E onNone())
Create a EIO from the given Option, succeeding when it is a Some, and failing with the result of onNone when it is a None.
ZIO.future(FutureOr<A> f())
Creates a ZIO from a Future.
ZIO.layer(Layer<E, A> layer)
Access a Layer and return the resulting service. If the Layer has already been accessed or provided with provideLayer, the cached value will be used.
ZIO.lazy(ZIO<R, E, A> zio())
Create a ZIO lazily with the given function. Useful for when you need to create a ZIO from a synchronous side-effect.
ZIO.raceAll(Iterable<ZIO<R, E, A>> others)
ZIO.succeed(A a)
Create a ZIO that succeeds with a.
ZIO.syncEither(Either<E, A> f())
Create a EIO from the resulting Either, succeeding when it is a Right, and failing with the Left value when it is a Left.
ZIO.syncExit(Exit<E, A> f())
Create a EIO from the resulting Exit value;
ZIO.tryCatch(FutureOr<A> f(), E onError(dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace))
Create a EIO from the given function f, which may throw an exception.
ZIO.tryCatchEnv(FutureOr<A> f(R env), E onError(dynamic error, StackTrace stackTrace))
A variant of ZIO.tryCatch that provides the current environment R to the function f.


asUnit ZIO<R, E, Unit>
Maps the success value of this ZIO to unit.
no setter
either RIO<R, Either<E, A>>
Squashes the error and success channels into a single Either result.
no setter
forever ZIO<R, E, Never>
Executes the ZIO in a loop forever, until it fails.
no setter
getOrNull RIO<R, A?>
Succeed with the value of this ZIO if it succeeds, or succeed with null if it fails.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
ignore RIO<R, Unit>
Ignore both the success and failure values of this ZIO.
no setter
ignoreLogged RIO<R, Unit>
Ignore both the success and failure values of this ZIO, and log any failure using logInfo.
no setter
logged ZIO<R, E, A>
Log any failures using logInfo.
no setter
memoize IO<ZIO<R, E, A>>
Memoize the result of this ZIO in a Deferred.
no setter
microtask ZIO<R, E, A>
Force a synchronous ZIO to run asynchronously.
no setter
option RIOOption<R, A>
no setter
orDie RIO<R, A>
If the ZIO fails, turn the failure into a defect.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
stackTrace StackTrace?


always(ZIO<R, E, A> zio) ZIO<R, E, A>
Always run the given ZIO after this one, regardless of success or failure.
alwaysIgnore<X>(ZIO<R, E, X> zio) ZIO<R, E, A>
Always run the given ZIO after this one, regardless of success or failure.
annotate(Symbol key, String name, dynamic value) ZIO<R, E, A>
Adds an annotation to the the current ZIOContext, which can be retrieved later with annotations.
annotateLog(String name, dynamic value) ZIO<R, E, A>
Adds an annotation to the next log entry.
as<B>(B b) ZIO<R, E, B>
Maps the success value of this ZIO to the given constant b.
catchCause<E2>(ZIO<R, E2, A> f(Cause<E> _)) ZIO<R, E2, A>
Catch all defects that may occur on this ZIO. The result will be replaced by executing the ZIO resulting from the given function.
catchDefect<E2>(ZIO<R, E2, A> f(Defect<E> _)) ZIO<R, E2, A>
Catch any Defect's that may occur on this ZIO. The result will be replaced by executing the ZIO resulting from the given function.
catchError<E2>(ZIO<R, E2, A> f(E _)) ZIO<R, E2, A>
Catch any errors that may occur on this ZIO. The result will be replaced by executing the ZIO resulting from the given function.
delay(Duration duration) ZIO<R, E, A>
Delay the evaluation of this ZIO by the given duration.
filterOrFail(bool predicate(A _), E onFalse(A _)) ZIO<R, E, A>
Filters the success value of this ZIO with the given predicate, failing with onFalse if the predicate fails.
flatMap<B>(ZIO<R, E, B> f(A _)) ZIO<R, E, B>
Passes the success value of this ZIO to the given function, and replaces the result by executing the resulting ZIO.
flatMap2<B>(ZIO<R, E, B> f(A _)) ZIO<R, E, (A, B)>
A variant of flatMap that zip's the result of this ZIO with the result of the given ZIO, returning a record of the results.
flatMapEither<B>(Either<E, B> f(A _)) ZIO<R, E, B>
A variant of flatMap that uses the resulting Either to determine the result.
flatMapEnv<B>(ZIO<R, E, B> f(A _, R env)) ZIO<R, E, B>
A variant of flatMap that also provides the environment to the given function.
flatMapNullableOrFail<B>(B? f(A _), E onNull(A _)) ZIO<R, E, B>
A variant of flatMap that determines the result of the ZIO by evaluating the resulting nullable value.
flatMapOptionOrFail<B>(Option<B> f(A _), E onNone(A _)) ZIO<R, E, B>
A variant of flatMap that uses the resulting Option to determine the result.
flatMapThrowable<B>(FutureOr<B> f(A _), E onThrow(dynamic error, StackTrace stack)) ZIO<R, E, B>
A variant of flatMap that uses the result of the given function. If the given function throws an error, the resulting ZIO will fail with the result of onThrow.
flatMapThrowableEnv<B>(FutureOr<B> f(A _, R env), E onThrow(dynamic error, StackTrace stack)) ZIO<R, E, B>
A variant of flatMapThrowable, that also provides the environment to the given function.
getOrElse(A orElse(E _)) RIO<R, A>
Succeed with the value of this ZIO if it succeeds, or succeed with the result of the given function if it fails.
logOrElse(A orElse(E _)) RIO<R, A>
Succeed with the value of this ZIO if it succeeds, or succeed with the result of the given function if it fails.
map<B>(B f(A _)) ZIO<R, E, B>
Transform the success value of this ZIO using the given function.
mapError<E2>(E2 f(E _)) ZIO<R, E2, A>
Transform the failure value of this ZIO using the given function.
match<E2, B>(ZIO<R, E2, B> onError(E _), ZIO<R, E2, B> onSuccess(A _)) ZIO<R, E2, B>
Reduce the success and error values of this ZIO using the given functions.
matchSync<B>(B onError(E _), B onSuccess(A _)) RIO<R, B>
A synchronous version of match.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
provide(R env) EIO<E, A>
Provide the ZIO with its required environment, which eliminates its dependency on R.
provideLayer(Layer<E, dynamic> layer) ZIO<R, E, A>
Provide the ZIO with a Layer, building it and adding it into the context.
provideLayerContext(LayerContext context) ZIO<R, E, A>
provideService<S>(Layer<dynamic, S> layer) ZIO<R, E, A> Function(S service)
Provide the ZIO with a Layer, using the provided pre-built service S.
race(ZIO<R, E, A> other) ZIO<R, E, A>
repeat<O>(Schedule<R, E, A, O> schedule) ZIO<R, E, A>
Repeat this ZIO using the given Schedule.
repeatN(int n) ZIO<R, E, A>
Repeat this ZIO n times.
repeatWhile(bool predicate(A _)) ZIO<R, E, A>
Repeat this ZIO while the given predicate is true.
retry<O>(Schedule<R, E, E, O> schedule) ZIO<R, E, A>
Retry this ZIO if it fails using the given Schedule.
retryN(int n) ZIO<R, E, A>
Retry (repeat on failure) this ZIO n times.
retryWhile(bool predicate(E _)) ZIO<R, E, A>
Retry this ZIO when it fails while the given predicate is true.
tap<X>(ZIO<R, E, X> f(A _)) ZIO<R, E, A>
Like flatMap, but the result of the resulting ZIO is discarded.
tapEither<X>(ZIO<R, E, X> f(Either<E, A> _)) ZIO<R, E, A>
A variant of tap, where the success and failure channels are merged into an Either.
tapEnv<X>(ZIO<R, E, X> f(A _, R env)) ZIO<R, E, A>
A variant of tap, where the current environment is passed to the function.
tapError<X>(ZIO<R, E, X> f(E _)) ZIO<R, E, A>
Like catchError, but the result of the resulting ZIO is discarded.
tapErrorCause<X>(ZIO<R, E, X> f(Cause<E> _)) ZIO<R, E, A>
Like catchCause, but the result of the resulting ZIO is discarded.
tapExit<X>(ZIO<R, E, X> f(Exit<E, A> _)) ZIO<R, E, A>
A variant of tap, passing the Exit value of this ZIO.
timeout(Duration duration) ZIO<R, E, A>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unsafeRun(ZIOContext<R> ctx) FutureOr<Exit<E, A>>
Run the ZIO with the provided ZIOContext.
withRuntime(Runtime runtime) ZIO<R, E, A>
Replace the Runtime in this ZIO with the given Runtime.
zip<B>(ZIO<R, E, B> zio) ZIO<R, E, (A, B)>
Combine the result of this ZIO with the result of the given ZIO, returning a tuple of the results.
zipLeft<X>(ZIO<R, E, X> zio) ZIO<R, E, A>
Run this ZIO and the given ZIO sequentially, ignoring the result of the given ZIO.
zipPar<B>(ZIO<R, E, B> zio) ZIO<R, E, (A, B)>
Combine the result of this ZIO with the result of the given ZIO, returning a tuple of the results.
zipParLeft<B>(ZIO<R, E, B> zio) ZIO<R, E, A>
Run this ZIO and the given ZIO in parallel, ignoring the result of the given ZIO.
zipParRight<B>(ZIO<R, E, B> zio) ZIO<R, E, B>
Run this ZIO and the given ZIO in parallel, only returning the result of the given ZIO.
zipParWith<B, C>(ZIO<R, E, B> zio, C resolve(A a, B b)) ZIO<R, E, C>
Combine the result of this ZIO with the result of the given ZIO, using the given function to determine the result.
zipRight<B>(ZIO<R, E, B> zio) ZIO<R, E, B>
Run this ZIO and the given ZIO sequentially, only returning the result of the given ZIO.
zipWith<B, C>(ZIO<R, E, B> zio, C resolve(A a, B b)) ZIO<R, E, C>
Combine the result of this ZIO with the result of the given ZIO, using the given function to determine the result.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

debugTracing bool
getter/setter pair
runtimeIO IO<Runtime>
An IO version of runtime.

Static Methods

annotations<R, E>(Symbol key) ZIO<R, E, IMap<String, dynamic>>
Retrieves and clears the annotations for the provided key.
annotationsIO(Symbol key) IO<IMap<String, dynamic>>
IO version of annotations.
collect<R, E, A>(Iterable<ZIO<R, E, A>> zios) ZIO<R, E, IList<A>>
Runs the given zios in sequence, collecting the results.
collectDiscard<R, E, A>(Iterable<ZIO<R, E, A>> zios) ZIO<R, E, Unit>
Runs the given zios in sequence, discarding the results.
collectPar<R, E, A>(Iterable<ZIO<R, E, A>> zios) ZIO<R, E, IList<A>>
Runs the given zios in parallel, collecting the results.
collectParDiscard<R, E, A>(Iterable<ZIO<R, E, A>> zios) ZIO<R, E, Unit>
Runs the given zios in parallel, discarding the results.
env<R>() RIO<R, R>
Retrieve the current environment of the ZIO.
fromNullable<A>(A? a) IOOption<A>
Create an IOOption from the given nullable value, succeeding when it is not null, and failing with None when it is null.
fromOption<A>(Option<A> oa) IOOption<A>
Create an IOOption from the given Option, succeeding when it is a Some, and failing with None when it is a None.
log<R, E>(LogLevel level, Object? message, {Map<String, dynamic>? annotations}) ZIO<R, E, Unit>
Log a message using the Logger service. It uses the loggerLayer to access the Logger.
logDebug<R, E>(Object? message, {Map<String, dynamic>? annotations}) ZIO<R, E, Unit>
Log a message at the LogLevel.debug level using the Logger service.
logDebugIO(Object? message, {Map<String, dynamic>? annotations}) IO<Unit>
An IO version of logDebug.
logError<R, E>(Object? message, {Map<String, dynamic>? annotations}) ZIO<R, E, Unit>
Log a message at the LogLevel.error level using the Logger service.
logErrorIO(Object? message, {Map<String, dynamic>? annotations}) IO<Unit>
An IO version of logError.
logInfo<R, E>(Object? message, {Map<String, dynamic>? annotations}) ZIO<R, E, Unit>
Log a message at the LogLevel.info level using the Logger service.
logInfoIO(Object? message, {Map<String, dynamic>? annotations}) IO<Unit>
An IO version of logInfo.
logIO(LogLevel level, Object? message) IO<Unit>
An IO version of log.
logWarn<R, E>(Object? message, {Map<String, dynamic>? annotations}) ZIO<R, E, Unit>
Log a message at the LogLevel.warn level using the Logger service.
logWarnIO(Object? message, {Map<String, dynamic>? annotations}) IO<Unit>
An IO version of logWarn.
runtime<R, E>() ZIO<R, E, Runtime>
Access the current Runtime.
sleep<R, E>(Duration duration) ZIO<R, E, Unit>
Sleep for the given duration.
sleepIO(Duration duration) IO<Unit>
An IO version of sleep.
traverseIterable<R, E, A, B>(Iterable<A> iterable, ZIO<R, E, B> f(A _)) ZIO<R, E, IList<B>>
Traverse an Iterable with the given function, collecting the results.
traverseIterablePar<R, E, A, B>(Iterable<A> iterable, ZIO<R, E, B> f(A _)) ZIO<R, E, IList<B>>
Traverse an Iterable with the given function, collecting the results in parallel.
tryCatchNullable<A>(FutureOr<A?> f()) IOOption<A>
tryCatchOption<A>(FutureOr<A> f()) IOOption<A>
A variant of ZIO.tryCatch, that returns an IOOption instead of an EIO.
unit<R, E>() ZIO<R, E, Unit>
Returns a ZIO that succeeds with unit.


unitIO → const ZIO<NoEnv, Never, Unit>
An IO version of unit.