prepareInsertBatchedStatements method
Prepare multiple batched insert statements for an array of records.
Since SQLite only supports a limited amount of positional ?
we generate multiple insert statements with each one being filled as much
as possible from the given data. All statements are derived from same baseSql
the positional parameters will be appended to this string.
@param baseSql base SQL string to which inserts should be appended @param columns columns that describe records @param records records to be inserted @param maxParameters max parameters this SQLite can accept - determines batching factor @param suffixSql optional SQL string to append to each insert statement @returns array of statements ready to be executed by the adapter
List<Statement> prepareInsertBatchedStatements(
String baseSql,
List<String> columns,
List<Map<String, Object?>> records,
int maxParameters, [
String suffixSql = '',
]) {
final stmts = <Statement>[];
final columnCount = columns.length;
final recordCount = records.length;
// Amount of rows we can insert at once
final batchMaxSize = (maxParameters / columnCount).floor();
// keep a temporary join array for joining strings, to avoid
// the overhead of generating a new array every time
final tempColJoinArray =
List<String>.filled(columnCount, '', growable: false);
int processed = 0;
int prevInsertCount = -1;
String insertPattern = '';
while (processed < recordCount) {
final currentInsertCount = min(recordCount - processed, batchMaxSize);
// cache insert pattern as it is going to be the same for every batch
// of `batchMaxSize` - ideally we can externalize this cache since for a
// given adapter this is _always_ going to be the same
if (currentInsertCount != prevInsertCount) {
insertPattern = List.generate(currentInsertCount, (recordIdx) {
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
tempColJoinArray[i] = makePositionalParam(
recordIdx * columnCount + i + 1,
return ' (${tempColJoinArray.join(', ')})';
String sql = baseSql + insertPattern;
if (suffixSql != '') {
sql += ' $suffixSql';
final List<Object?> args = [];
for (int i = 0; i < currentInsertCount; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) {
args.add(records[processed + i][columns[j]]);
processed += currentInsertCount;
prevInsertCount = currentInsertCount;
stmts.add(Statement(sql, args));
return stmts;