QueryBuilder class abstract





autoincrementPkType String
The autoincrementing integer primary key type for the current SQL dialect.
blobType String
The type to use for BLOB for the current SQL dialect.
defaultNamespace String
deferOrDisableFKsForTx String
Depending on the dialect, defers or disables foreign key checks for the duration of the transaction.
dialect Dialect
getVersion String
Queries the version of SQLite/Postgres we are using.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
paramSign String
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


batchedInsertOrReplace(QualifiedTablename table, List<String> columns, List<Map<String, Object?>> records, List<String> conflictCols, List<String> updateCols, int maxSqlParameters) List<Statement>
Inserts a batch of rows into a table, replacing them if they already exist.
countTablesIn(List<String> tableNames) Statement
Counts tables whose name is included in tableNames.
createFkCompensationTrigger(String opType, QualifiedTablename table, String childKey, QualifiedTablename fkTable, String joinedFkPKs, ForeignKey foreignKey) List<String>
Creates a trigger that logs compensations for operations into the oplog.
createIndex(String indexName, QualifiedTablename onTable, List<String> columns) String
Create an index on a table.
createNoFkUpdateTrigger(QualifiedTablename table, List<String> pk) List<String>
Create a trigger that prevents updates to the primary key.
createOplogTrigger(SqlOpType opType, QualifiedTablename table, String newPKs, String newRows, String oldRows) List<String>
Create a trigger that logs operations into the oplog.
createOrReplaceDeleteTrigger(QualifiedTablename table, String newPKs, String newRows, String oldRows) List<String>
Creates or replaces a trigger that logs deletions into the oplog.
createOrReplaceFkCompensationTrigger(String opType, QualifiedTablename table, String childKey, QualifiedTablename fkTable, String joinedFkPKs, ForeignKey foreignKey) List<String>
createOrReplaceInsertCompensationTrigger(QualifiedTablename table, String childKey, QualifiedTablename fkTable, String joinedFkPKs, ForeignKey foreignKey) List<String>
Creates a trigger that logs compensations for insertions into the oplog.
createOrReplaceInsertTrigger(QualifiedTablename table, String newPKs, String newRows, String oldRows) List<String>
Creates or replaces a trigger that logs insertions into the oplog.
createOrReplaceNoFkUpdateTrigger(QualifiedTablename table, List<String> pk) List<String>
Creates or replaces a trigger that prevents updates to the primary key.
createOrReplaceOplogTrigger(SqlOpType opType, QualifiedTablename table, String newPKs, String newRows, String oldRows) List<String>
createOrReplaceUpdateCompensationTrigger(QualifiedTablename table, String childKey, QualifiedTablename fkTable, String joinedFkPKs, ForeignKey foreignKey) List<String>
Creates a trigger that logs compensations for updates into the oplog.
createOrReplaceUpdateTrigger(QualifiedTablename table, String newPKs, String newRows, String oldRows) List<String>
Creates or replaces a trigger that logs updates into the oplog.
dropTriggerIfExists(String triggerName, QualifiedTablename table) String
Drop a trigger if it exists.
getLocalTableNames([List<String> notIn = const []]) Statement
Fetches the names of all tables that are not in notIn.
getTableInfo(QualifiedTablename table) Statement
Fetches information about the columns of a table. The information includes all column names, their type, whether or not they are nullable, and whether they are part of the PK.
hexValue(String hexString) String
Converts a hexidecimal string to a hex value.
insertOrIgnore(QualifiedTablename table, List<String> columns, List<Object?> values) Statement
Insert a row into a table, ignoring it if it already exists.
insertOrReplace(QualifiedTablename table, List<String> columns, List<Object?> values, List<String> conflictCols, List<String> updateCols) Statement
Insert a row into a table, replacing it if it already exists.
insertOrReplaceWith(QualifiedTablename table, List<String> columns, List<Object?> values, List<String> conflictCols, List<String> updateCols, List<Object?> updateVals) Statement
Insert a row into a table. If it already exists we update the provided columns updateCols with the provided values updateVals
makePositionalParam(int i) String
Makes the i-th positional parameter, e.g. '$3' For Postgres when i is 3 and always '?' for SQLite
makeQT(String tablename) QualifiedTablename
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pgOnly(String query) String
Returns the given query if the current SQL dialect is PostgreSQL.
prepareDeleteBatchedStatements(String baseSql, List<String> columns, List<Map<String, Object?>> records, int maxParameters, {String suffixSql = ''}) List<Statement>
Prepare multiple batched DELETE statements for an array of records.
prepareInsertBatchedStatements(String baseSql, List<String> columns, List<Map<String, Object?>> records, int maxParameters, [String suffixSql = '']) List<Statement>
Prepare multiple batched insert statements for an array of records.
removeDeletedShadowRows(QualifiedTablename oplogTable, QualifiedTablename shadowTable) String
Deletes any shadow rows where the last oplog operation was a DELETE
setTagsForShadowRows(QualifiedTablename oplogTable, QualifiedTablename shadowTable) String
For each affected shadow row, set new tag array, unless the last oplog operation was a DELETE
setTriggerSetting(QualifiedTablename table, int value) String
Modifies the trigger setting for the table identified by its tablename and namespace.
sqliteOnly(String query) String
Returns the given query if the current SQL dialect is SQLite.
tableExists(QualifiedTablename table) Statement
Checks if the given table exists.
toHex(String column) String
Converts a column value to a hexidecimal string.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.