reduce method

  1. @override
Future<List<int>> reduce(
  1. List<int> combine(
    1. List<int> previous,
    2. List<int> element

Combines a sequence of values by repeatedly applying combine.

Similar to Iterable.reduce, this function maintains a value, starting with the first element of this stream and updated for each further element of this stream. For each element after the first, the value is updated to the result of calling combine with the previous value and the element.

When this stream is done, the returned future is completed with the value at that time.

If this stream is empty, the returned future is completed with an error. If this stream emits an error, or the call to combine throws, the returned future is completed with that error, and processing is stopped.


final result = await Stream.fromIterable([2, 6, 10, 8, 2])
    .reduce((previous, element) => previous + element);
print(result); // 28


Future<List<int>> reduce(
  List<int> Function(List<int> previous, List<int> element) combine,
) {
  return _body.reduce(combine);