EasyWidgets extension



alignBC Align
no setter
alignBL Align
no setter
alignBR Align
no setter
alignC Align
no setter
alignCL Align
no setter
alignCR Align
no setter
alignTC Align
no setter
alignTL Align
no setter
alignTR Align
no setter


easyGesture({Key? key, void onTap()?, void onDoubleTap()?, void onLongPress()?, void onHorizontalSwipe(EasySwipeDirection)?, void onVerticalSwipe(EasySwipeDirection)?, double horizontalThreshold = 40, double verticalThreshold = 40}) Widget
Easilty handle normal and swipe Gesture
inkTap({void onTap()?, void onDoubleTap()?, void onLongPress()?, Color? backgroundColor, BorderRadius? borderRadius, Color? splashColor, Color? highlightColor, Color? hoverColor, EdgeInsets? padding, bool enableFeedback = true, double? feedbackDuration = 0.5}) Widget
Ink tap with splash effect
onTap(void onTap()?) GestureDetector
onTap Gesture
padd(EdgeInsets insets) Padding
paddO({double left = 0, double right = 0, double top = 0, double bottom = 0}) Padding
Padding only
paddS({double horizontal = 0, double vertical = 0}) Padding
Padding Symmetric