StickyHeaderController class

Sticky Header Controller.

StickyHeaderController is the core of the library, its main feature is to monitor the scroll changes and calculate the sticky header. In addition to this, it also supports jumping the header widget of the specified index, see also animateTo.





currentChildStickyHeaderInfo StickyHeaderInfo?
Current child sticky header information.
getter/setter pair
currentOffset Offset
Current sticky header offset.
getter/setter pair
currentPixels double
Cache of pixel values for the current scroll position
getter/setter pair
currentStickyHeaderInfo StickyHeaderInfo?
Current sticky header information.
getter/setter pair
getMaxScrollExtent double
no setter
getMinScrollExtent double
no setter
getViewportDimension double
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
Whether any listeners are currently registered.
no setterinherited
isHorizontalAxis bool
no setter
isJumping bool
getter/setter pair
isReverse bool
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
scrollPosition ScrollPosition?
getter/setter pair
useStickyAmount bool
When the value of the useStickyAmount property is set to true, the sticky amount of the header widget will be automatically calculated.
getter/setter pair


addCallback(StickyHeaderInfoCallback callback) → void
When the header widget is attached to the widget tree, which will execute this method to add its own callback to the list. When the page is scrolled, a callback will be executed to get StickyHeaderInfo to determine the position of StickyHeaderWidget.
addListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Register a closure to be called when the object changes.
animateTo(int index, {double offset = 0.0, double velocity = 1.0, Duration? duration, Curve? curve, Duration? findingStartDuration, Curve? findingStartCurve, Duration? findingEndDuration, Curve? findingEndCurve}) → void
Jumps to the header widget of the specified index. Compared with jumpTo, a transition animation is added and it supports jumping to the header widget that has not yet appeared.
clearStickyHeaderInfo() → void
Clears the cache, please call when needed.
dispose() → void
Discards any resources used by the object. After this is called, the object is not in a usable state and should be discarded (calls to addListener will throw after the object is disposed).
getComponent(Offset offset) double
Gets the horizontal or vertical component based on the scroll view's scroll axis.
getDimension(Size? size) double
Gets the width or height based on scroll view's scroll axis.
getStickyHeaderInfo(int index) StickyHeaderInfo?
Gets sticky header information from cache.
jumpTo(int index, {double offset = 0.0}) bool
Jumps to the header widget of the specified index.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyListeners() → void
Call all the registered listeners.
removeCallback(StickyHeaderInfoCallback callback) → void
When the header widget is detached from the widget tree, which will execute this method to remove its own callback to the list.
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that are notified when the object changes.
scrollListener() → void
Monitors scroll changes and control the position and visibility of the sticky header widget based on the scroll position.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.