command library

cli supporting classes


DevicesController is a class that is used to define the routes for an API that would allow a client to get device data from the server in cases that the client and server are on separate networks. multicastProbe is a reference to the multicast probe that is used to discover devices.
Operation to move pan,tilt or zoom to a absolute destination.
Generate a refresh token used to authenticate the command line API requests
Operation for continuous Pan/Tilt and Zoom movements. The operation is supported if the PTZNode supports at least one continuous Pan/Tilt or Zoom space. If the space argument is omitted, the default space set by the PTZConfiguration will be used.
CreateRecordingJob shall create a new recording job.
CreateRecording shall create a new recording. The new recording shall be created with a track for each supported TrackType see Recording Control Spec.
This operation creates new device users and corresponding credentials on a device for authentication purposes. The device shall support creation of device users and their credentials through the CreateUsers command. Either all users are created successfully or a fault message shall be returned without creating any user.
Generate a refresh token used to authenticate the command line API requests
DeleteRecordingJob removes a recording job. It shall also implicitly delete all the receiver objects associated with the recording job that are automatically created using the AutoCreateReceiver field of the recording job configuration structure and are not used in any other recording job.
DeleteRecording shall delete a recording object. Whenever a recording is deleted, the device shall delete all the tracks that are part of the recording, and it shall delete all the Recording Jobs that record into the recording. For each deleted recording job, the device shall also delete all the receiver objects associated with the recording job that are automatically created using the AutoCreateReceiver field of the recording job configuration structure and are not used in any other recording job.
This operation deletes the given storage configuration and configuration change shall always be persistent.
device management
FindRecordings starts a search session, looking for recordings that matches the scope (See 20.2.4) defined in the request. Results from the search are acquired using the GetRecordingSearchResults request, specifying the search token returned from this request. The device shall continue searching until one of the following occurs: The entire time range from StartPoint to EndPoint has been searched through. The total number of matches has been found, defined by the MaxMatches parameter. The session has been ended by a client EndSession request. The session has been ended because KeepAliveTime since the last request related to this session has expired. The order of the results is undefined, to allow the device to return results in any order they are found. This operation is mandatory to support for a device implementing the recording search service.
This command lists all available physical audio inputs of the device.
This method has been replaced by the more generic GetServices method. For capabilities of individual services refer to the GetServiceCapabilities methods.
Operation to get all available PTZConfigurations that can be added to the referenced media profile.
List supported coordinate systems including their range limitations. Therefore, the options MAY differ depending on whether the PTZ Configuration is assigned to a Profile containing a Video Source Configuration. In that case, the options may additionally contain coordinate systems referring to the image coordinate system described by the Video Source Configuration. If the PTZ Node supports continuous movements, it shall return a Timeout Range within which Timeouts are accepted by the PTZ Node.
Get a specific PTZconfiguration from the device, identified by its reference token or name.
Get all the existing PTZConfigurations from the device.
Via this command the last Imaging Preset applied can be requested. If the camera configuration does not match any of the existing Imaging Presets, the output of GetCurrentPreset shall be Empty. GetCurrentPreset shall return 0 if Imaging Presets are not supported by the Video Source.
This operation gets basic device information from the device.
This operation gets the discovery mode of a device. See Section 7.2 for the definition of the different device discovery modes. The device shall support retrieval of the discovery mode setting through the GetDiscoveryMode command.
This operation gets the DNS settings from a device. The device shall return its DNS configurations through the GetDNS command.
This operation lists all existing geo location configurations for the device.
This operation is used by an endpoint to get the hostname from a device. The device shall return its hostname configurations through the GetHostname command.
The GetMetadataConfiguration command fetches the metadata configuration if the metadata token is known.
This operation returns the available options (supported values and ranges for metadata configuration parameters) for changing the metadata configuration.
This operation returns the available options (supported values and ranges for metadata configuration parameters) for changing the metadata configuration.
By default this operation lists all existing metadata configurations for a device. Provide a profile token to list only configurations that are compatible with the profile. If a configuration token is provided only a single configuration will be returned.
This operation gets defined network protocols from a device. The device shall support the GetNetworkProtocols command returning configured network protocols.
This operation gets the NTP settings from a device. If the device supports NTP, it shall be possible to get the NTP server settings through the GetNTP command.
Via this command the list of available Imaging Presets can be requested.
Operation to request all PTZ presets for the PTZNode in the selected profile. The operation is supported if there is support for at least on PTZ preset by the PTZNode.
Operation to request a specific PTZ preset tour in the selected media profile.
Operation to request PTZ preset tours in the selected media profiles.
If the profile token is already known, a profile can be fetched through the GetProfile command.
Any endpoint can ask for the existing media profiles of a device using the GetProfiles command. Pre-configured or dynamically configured profiles can be retrieved using this command. This command lists all configured profiles in a device. The client does not need to know the media profile in order to use the command.
Retrieve the profile with the specified token or all defined media profiles.
Returns information about a single Recording specified by a RecordingToken. This operation is mandatory to support for a device implementing the recording search service.
GetRecordingJobState returns the state of a recording job. It includes an aggregated state, and state for each track of the recording job.
GetRecordingOptions returns information for a recording identified by the RecordingToken. The information includes the number of additional tracks as well as recording jobs that can be configured.
GetRecordingSearchResults acquires the results from a recording search session previously initiated by a FindRecordings operation. The response shall not include results already returned in previous requests for the same session. If MaxResults is specified, the response shall not contain more than MaxResults results. The number of results relates to the number of recordings. For viewing individual recorded data for a signal track use the FindEvents method.
GetRecordings shall return a description of all the recordings in the device. This description shall include a list of all the tracks for each recording.
GetRecordingSummary is used to get a summary description of all recorded data. This operation is mandatory to support for a device implementing the recording search service.
Returns the current configuration of the replay service. This operation is mandatory.
Requests a URI that can be used to initiate playback of a recorded stream using RTSP as the control protocol. The URI is valid only as it is specified in the response. A device supporting the Replay Service shall support the GetReplayUri command.
Returns the capabilities of the media service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
Returns the capabilities of the media service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
Returns the capabilities of the device service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
Returns the capabilities of the imaging service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
Returns the capabilities of the PTZ service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
Returns the capabilities of the recording service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
Returns the capabilities of the replay service. The result is returned in a typed answer.
Returns information about services on the device.
A client uses the GetSnapshotUri command to obtain a JPEG snapshot from the device. The returned URI shall remain valid indefinitely even if the profile is changed. The ValidUntilConnect, ValidUntilReboot and Timeout Parameter shall be set accordingly (ValidUntilConnect=false, ValidUntilReboot=false, timeout=PT0S). The URI can be used for acquiring a JPEG image through a HTTP GET operation. The image encoding will always be JPEG regardless of the encoding setting in the media profile. The Jpeg settings (like resolution or quality) may be taken from the profile if suitable. The provided image will be updated automatically and independent from calls to GetSnapshotUri.
A client uses the GetSnapshotUri command to obtain a JPEG snapshot from the device. The returned URI shall remain valid indefinitely even if the profile is changed. The ValidUntilConnect, ValidUntilReboot and Timeout Parameter shall be set accordingly (ValidUntilConnect=false, ValidUntilReboot=false, timeout=PT0S). The URI can be used for acquiring a JPEG image through a HTTP GET operation. The image encoding will always be JPEG regardless of the encoding setting in the media profile. The Jpeg settings (like resolution or quality) may be taken from the profile if suitable. The provided image will be updated automatically and independent from calls to GetSnapshotUri.
Via this command the current status of the Move operation can be requested. Supported for this command is available if the support for the Move operation is signalled via GetMoveOptions.
Operation to request PTZ status for the Node in the selected profile.
This operation retrieves the Storage configuration associated with the given storage configuration token.
This operation lists all existing storage configurations for the device.
This operation requests a URI that can be used to initiate a live media stream using RTSP as the control protocol. The returned URI shall remain valid indefinitely even if the profile is changed. The ValidUntilConnect, ValidUntilReboot and Timeout Parameter shall be set accordingly (ValidUntilConnect=false, ValidUntilReboot=false, timeout=PT0S).
This operation requests a URI that can be used to initiate a live media stream using RTSP as the control protocol. The returned URI shall remain valid indefinitely even if the profile is changed. The ValidUntilConnect, ValidUntilReboot and Timeout Parameter shall be set accordingly (ValidUntilConnect=false, ValidUntilReboot=false, timeout=PT0S).
This operation gets the device system date and time. The device shall support the return of the daylight saving setting and of the manual system date and time (if applicable) or indication of NTP time (if applicable) through the GetSystemDateAndTime command.
This operation gets a system log from the device. The exact format of the system logs is outside the scope of this standard.
This operation gets arbitrary device diagnostics information from the device.
This operation is used to retrieve URIs from which system information may be downloaded using HTTP. URIs may be returned for the following system information:
This operation lists the registered users and corresponding credentials on a device. The device shall support retrieval of registered device users and their credentials for the user token through the GetUsers command.
The GetVideoEncoderInstances command can be used to request the minimum number of guaranteed video encoder instances (applications) per Video Source Configuration.
This operation returns the available options (supported values and ranges for video source configuration parameters) when the video source parameters are reconfigured If a video source configuration is specified, the options shall concern that particular configuration. If a media profile is specified, the options shall be compatible with that media profile.
This command lists all available physical video inputs of the device.
Operation to move the PTZ device to it's "home" position. The operation is supported if the HomeSupported element in the PTZNode is true.
Operation to go to a saved preset position for the PTZNode in the selected profile. The operation is supported if there is support for at least on PTZ preset by the PTZNode.
Operation for a single step tilt down operation.
Operation for a single step pan left operation.
Operation for Relative Pan/Tilt Move without Zoom.
Operation for a single step pan right operation.
Operation for a single step tilt upwards operation.
Operation for Relative Pan/Tilt and Zoom Move. The operation is supported if the PTZNode supports at least one relative Pan/Tilt or Zoom space.
Operation to remove a PTZ preset for the Node in the selected profile. The operation is supported if the PresetPosition capability exists for teh Node in the selected profile.
The SetCurrentPreset command shall request a given Imaging Preset to be applied to the specified Video Source. SetCurrentPreset shall only be available for Video Sources with Imaging Presets Capability. Imaging Presets are defined by the Manufacturer, and offered as a tool to simplify Imaging Settings adjustments for specific scene content. When the new Imaging Preset is applied by SetCurrentPreset, the Device shall adjust the Video Source settings to match those defined by the specified Imaging Preset.
Operation to save current position as the home position. The SetHomePosition command returns with a failure if the “home” position is fixed and cannot be overwritten. If the SetHomePosition is successful, it is possible to recall the Home Position with the GotoHomePosition command.
The SetPreset command saves the current device position parameters so that the device can move to the saved preset position through the GotoPreset operation. In order to create a new preset, the SetPresetRequest contains no PresetToken. If creation is successful, the Response contains the PresetToken which uniquely identifies the Preset. An existing Preset can be overwritten by specifying the PresetToken of the corresponding Preset. In both cases overwriting or creation) an optional PresetName can be specified. The operation fails if the PTZ device is moving during the SetPreset operation. The device MAY internally save additional states such as imaging properties in the PTZ Preset which then should be recalled in the GotoPreset operation.
Changes the current configuration of the replay service. This operation is mandatory.
This command starts multicast streaming using a specified media profile of a device. Streaming continues until StopMulticastStreaming is called for the same Profile. The streaming shall continue after a reboot of the device until a StopMulticastStreaming request is received. The multicast address, port and TTL are configured in the VideoEncoderConfiguration, AudioEncoderConfiguration and MetadataConfiguration respectively.
This command starts multicast streaming using a specified media profile of a device. Streaming continues until StopMulticastStreaming is called for the same Profile. The streaming shall continue after a reboot of the device until a StopMulticastStreaming request is received. The multicast address, port and TTL are configured in the VideoEncoderConfiguration, AudioEncoderConfiguration and MetadataConfiguration respectively.
This command stop multicast streaming using a specified media profile of a device.
This command stop multicast streaming using a specified media profile of a device.
Operation to stop ongoing pan, tilt and zoom movements of absolute relative and continuous type. If no stop argument for pan, tilt or zoom is set, the device will stop all ongoing pan, tilt and zoom movements.
This operation reboots the device.
Operation for a single step zoom in operation.
Operation for a single step zoom out operation.
Operation for zoom.