easy_dropdown2 library

EasyDropdown is a Flutter library that provides an easy-to-use and customizable dropdown menu widget. It allows you to create dropdown menus that can be displayed below or above a button, with various configuration options for styling and behavior.

EasyDropdown simplifies the process of creating dropdowns in your Flutter app, making it straightforward to add interactive and user-friendly dropdowns to your UI.


import 'package:easy_dropdown2/easy_dropdown2.dart';

// Create an EasyDropdown widget with custom configuration and items.
  key: _dropDownKey, // GlobalKey<EasyDropdownState>
  config: const EasyDropdownConfig(
    radius: 16,
    backgroundColor: Colors.blue,
    tileHeight: 64,
    dropdownWidth: 200,
  items: Future.sync(() async {
    await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
    return [
      EasyDropdownTile(title: 'Test', onPressed: () {}),
      EasyDropdownTile(title: 'Test 1', onPressed: () {}),
      EasyDropdownTile(title: 'Test 2', onPressed: () {}),
  // You can add items directly as arrays as well
  // items: [
  //    EasyDropdownTile(title: 'Test', onPressed: () {}),
  //    EasyDropdownTile(title: 'Test 1', onPressed: () {}),
  //    EasyDropdownTile(title: 'Test 2', onPressed: () {}),
  //  ],
  child: RaisedButton(
    onPressed: () {
      // Show the dropdown when the button is pressed.
    child: Text(
      'A selected field',

This library provides the core classes EasyDropdown and EasyDropdownTile to create and customize dropdowns.

For more details and customization options, refer to the documentation of each individual class.


A widget that provides dropdown functionality.
Configuration class for EasyDropdown widget.
The state of the EasyDropdown widget.
A widget representing a tile within an EasyDropdown.


Enumeration representing alignment options for the EasyDropdown widget.
The EasyDropdownDirection enum specifies where the dropdown aligns in relation to the button. The options include 'above', 'below', and 'auto'.