easix library
T> - Sorted notifications.
T> - Sorted notifications.
- DateLang
DateLang enum for
extension it has two values en and ar en is for English language ar is for Arabic language - DateMode
DateMode enum for
extension it has two values full and short full is for full date format like: 'MMM d, y' - September 19, 2023 short is for short date format like: 'MMM d' - September 19
- EmptyPadding on num
- This method is used to add extension on num to add a sized box with height and width.
- TimeOfDayExtension on TimeOfDay
- ToHumanDate on DateTime
- Validate on String?
- Validate class contains all the validation methods that are used in the application This class is used to validate the user input and return the error error if the input is invalid otherwise it returns null
- YMDExtension on DateTime
- custom time display extension on DateTime
T> (SortedDateList< T> existingList, List<T> newList, String getDate(T)) → SortedDateList<T> - Convert to sorted notifications.
Exceptions / Errors
- Failure
- Failure class to handle errors
- LocalError
- Failure class to handle local errors
- ServerError
- Failure class to handle server errors