e621 library
A client library for the API of imageboards using the e621 fork of gelbooru.
- Implements all the endpoints of the e621 API : e621 API
- Use Dart's native
package for making requests alloowing for using more advanced implementation on the fly.
Getting started
Add the package to your project by running the following command:
# http is a required dependency since we rely on ClientException
dart pub add e621 http
// Simple example to collect last ten post and display link
import 'package:e621/e621.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
/// You should see the `http`[https://pub.dev/packages/http#choosing-an-implementation](https://pub.dev/packages/http#choosing-an-implementation) package documentation for using an adequate [Client] for your platform
final E621Client client = E621Client(host: Uri.parse('https://e621.net'), login: 'username', apiKey: 'api_key', userAgent: 'MyApp/1.0 (by username on e621)');
final List<Post> posts;
try {
/// limit is optional but 10 will get the last 10 posts
posts = await client.posts.list(limit: 10);
/// [ClientException] is found in the `http` package
/// it will be throw in case something went wrong with the request AT the connection time
} on ClientException catch (e) {
print('Failed to get posts: $e');
/// [E621Exception] is found in the `e621` package
/// It will throw is something went wrong with the request AFTER the connection time
} on E621Exception catch (e) {
print('Failed to get posts: $e');
if (posts.isEmpty) {
print('No posts found');
for (final post in posts) {
print('Post: ${post.id} - ${post.file.url}');
No AI project / AI free Project
This project is written WITHOUT any AI assistance. If you fork this project and use AI please remove this section.
Special Thanks
- Dasa: Your honesty and the morale boost to actually start this project.
T extends Resource> - A data access object for the e621 API.
- E621Client
- A client for the e621 API.
- FavoriteDataAccessObject
- A data access object for favorites. Unlike others DAO this one returns Post and no Favorite
- Flag
- A Flag on a Post.
- FlagDataAccessObject
- A data access object for flags.
- Note
- A Note on a Post.
- NoteDataAccessObject
- Allow to interact with notes.
- Pool
- A Pool of Posts.
- PoolDataAccessObject
- A data access object for pools.
- Post
- A Post on the E621Client.host imageboard.
- PostDataAccessObject
- A data access object for posts.
- Resource
- A resource in the e621 API.
- Tag
- A Tag on a Post.
- TagAlias
- A TagAlias for a given Tag.
- TagAliasDataAccessObject
- A data access object for tag aliases.
- TagDataAccessObject
- A data access object for tags.
- TagImplication
- A TagImplication for a given Tag.
- TagImplicationDataAccessObject
- A data access object for tag implications.
- Vote
- A vote in the e621 API. Since Vote aren't really Resource id is always 0. They're created as resource to make it easier to work with them through VoteDataAccessObject.
- VoteDataAccessObject
- A data access object for votes.
- PoolCategory
- The category of a pool.
- PoolOrder
- Enum for pool order
- PostRating
- Represents the rating of a post.
- TagAliasOrder
- An enum for the order of tag aliases.
- TagAliasStatus
- Represents the status of a tag alias.
- TagCategory
- A TagCategory linked to Tag.
- TagImplicationOrder
- An enum for the order of tag Implications.
- TagImplicationStatus
- Represents the status of a tag Implication.
- TagOrder
- An enum to represent the order of the tags.
Exceptions / Errors
- E621Exception
- An exception thrown by the e621 API.