Size/dynamicutils library

A library for dynamic sizing and navigation in Flutter.

The dynamicutils library provides utilities for dynamically sizing widgets based on the device's screen dimensions. It also includes navigation functions for managing screen transitions.


  1. Import the dynamicutils library.
  2. Create an instance of the DynamicSize class by providing the initial height and width values.
  3. Use the height and width methods to dynamically calculate the desired height and width based on the provided values.
  4. Use the HeightSpace and WidthSpace methods to create SizedBox widgets with dynamic heights and widths.
  5. Use the dContainer method to create a Container widget with dynamic dimensions and other customizable properties.
  6. Use the Pop, NewScreen, and ReplaceScreen functions for navigation purposes.

Note: This library requires the flutter and material packages.


A class for dynamically sizing widgets based on screen dimensions.


newScreen(BuildContext context, dynamic screen()) → void
Navigates to a new screen.
pop(BuildContext context) → void
Navigates back to the previous screen.
replaceScreen(BuildContext context, dynamic screen()) → void
Replaces the current screen with a new screen.