guessFromString static method

List<Dice> guessFromString(
  1. String str

Parses a string for dice rolls and returns a list of dice found. The string must be in the format of XdY where X is the amount of dice and Y is the amount of sides, optionally followed by a modifier in the format of +Z or -Z where Z is the modifier value.

Example: 2d6+DEX would return a list with a single dice with 2 amount, 6 sides and a modifier of DEX.


static List<Dice> guessFromString(String str) {
  final basicRollPattern =
      RegExp(r'\broll([+-][a-z]+)\b', caseSensitive: false);
  final dicePattern = RegExp(r'\b\dd\d+\b', caseSensitive: false);
  final found = <Dice>[];
  final basicRollMatches = basicRollPattern.allMatches(str);
  for (final match in basicRollMatches) {
    found.add(Dice.fromJson('2d6' +!.toUpperCase()));
  final diceMatches = dicePattern.allMatches(str);
  for (final match in diceMatches) {
    found.add(Dice.fromJson(match.input.substring(match.start, match.end)));
  return found;