duckdb_dart library

Dart client for DuckDb


Auto-generated, internal Dart bindings to DuckDb
Configuration options to change the different settings of the database. Many of these settings can be changed later using PRAGMA statements as well. See
! BLOBs are composed of a byte pointer and a size. You must free ! with duckdb_free.
! A column consists of a pointer to its internal data. Don't operate on this type directly. ! Instead, use functions such as duckdb_column_data, duckdb_nullmask_data, ! duckdb_column_type, and duckdb_column_name, which take the result and the column index ! as their parameters
! Days are stored as days since 1970-01-01 ! Use the duckdb_from_date/duckdb_to_date function to extract individual information
! Decimals are composed of a width and a scale, and are stored in a hugeint
! Passed to C API extension as parameter to the entrypoint
! Hugeints are composed of a (lower, upper) component ! The value of the hugeint is upper * 2^64 + lower ! For easy usage, the functions duckdb_hugeint_to_double/duckdb_double_to_hugeint are recommended
! The internal representation of a list metadata entry contains the list's offset in ! the child vector, and its length. The parent vector holds these metadata entries, ! whereas the child vector holds the data
! A type holding information about the query execution progress
! A query result consists of a pointer to its internal data. ! Must be freed with 'duckdb_destroy_result'.
! Strings are composed of a char pointer and a size. You must free ! with duckdb_free.
! The internal representation of a VARCHAR (string_t). If the VARCHAR does not ! exceed 12 characters, then we inline it. Otherwise, we inline a prefix for faster ! string comparisons and store a pointer to the remaining characters. This is a non- ! owning structure, i.e., it does not have to be freed.
! Time is stored as microseconds since 00:00:00 ! Use the duckdb_from_time/duckdb_to_time function to extract individual information
! TIME_TZ is stored as 40 bits for int64_t micros, and 24 bits for int32_t offset
! Timestamps are stored as microseconds since 1970-01-01 ! Use the duckdb_from_timestamp/duckdb_to_timestamp function to extract individual information


! An enum over DuckDB's different cast modes.
! An enum over DuckDB's different result types.
! An enum over the pending state of a pending query result.
! An enum over DuckDB's different result types.
! An enum over the returned state of different functions.
! An enum over DuckDB's different statement types.
! An enum over DuckDB's internal types.


false1 → const int
INT16_MAX → const int
INT16_MIN → const int
INT32_MAX → const int
INT32_MIN → const int
INT64_MAX → const int
INT64_MIN → const int
INT8_MAX → const int
INT8_MIN → const int
INT_FAST16_MAX → const int
INT_FAST16_MIN → const int
INT_FAST32_MAX → const int
INT_FAST32_MIN → const int
INT_FAST64_MAX → const int
INT_FAST64_MIN → const int
INT_FAST8_MAX → const int
INT_FAST8_MIN → const int
INT_LEAST16_MAX → const int
INT_LEAST16_MIN → const int
INT_LEAST32_MAX → const int
INT_LEAST32_MIN → const int
INT_LEAST64_MAX → const int
INT_LEAST64_MIN → const int
INT_LEAST8_MAX → const int
INT_LEAST8_MIN → const int
INTMAX_MAX → const int
INTMAX_MIN → const int
INTPTR_MAX → const int
INTPTR_MIN → const int
NULL → const int
PTRDIFF_MAX → const int
PTRDIFF_MIN → const int
SIG_ATOMIC_MAX → const int
SIG_ATOMIC_MIN → const int
SIZE_MAX → const int
true1 → const int
UINT16_MAX → const int
UINT32_MAX → const int
UINT64_MAX → const int
UINT8_MAX → const int
UINT_FAST16_MAX → const int
UINT_FAST32_MAX → const int
UINT_FAST64_MAX → const int
UINT_FAST8_MAX → const int
UINT_LEAST16_MAX → const int
UINT_LEAST32_MAX → const int
UINT_LEAST64_MAX → const int
UINT_LEAST8_MAX → const int
UINTMAX_MAX → const int
UINTPTR_MAX → const int
WCHAR_MAX → const int
WCHAR_MIN → const int
WINT_MAX → const int
WINT_MIN → const int


bindings Bindings
no setter


open() DynamicLibrary


Dartduckdb_aggregate_combine_tFunction = void Function(duckdb_function_info info, Pointer<duckdb_aggregate_state> source, Pointer<duckdb_aggregate_state> target, Dartidx_t count)
Dartduckdb_aggregate_destroy_tFunction = void Function(Pointer<duckdb_aggregate_state> states, Dartidx_t count)
Dartduckdb_aggregate_finalize_tFunction = void Function(duckdb_function_info info, Pointer<duckdb_aggregate_state> source, duckdb_vector result, Dartidx_t count, Dartidx_t offset)
Dartduckdb_aggregate_init_tFunction = void Function(duckdb_function_info info, duckdb_aggregate_state state)
Dartduckdb_aggregate_state_sizeFunction = Dartidx_t Function(duckdb_function_info info)
Dartduckdb_aggregate_update_tFunction = void Function(duckdb_function_info info, duckdb_data_chunk input, Pointer<duckdb_aggregate_state> states)
Dartduckdb_cast_function_tFunction = bool Function(duckdb_function_info info, Dartidx_t count, duckdb_vector input, duckdb_vector output)
Dartduckdb_delete_callback_tFunction = void Function(Pointer<Void> data)
Dartduckdb_replacement_callback_tFunction = void Function(duckdb_replacement_scan_info info, Pointer<Char> table_name, Pointer<Void> data)
Dartduckdb_scalar_function_tFunction = void Function(duckdb_function_info info, duckdb_data_chunk input, duckdb_vector output)
Dartduckdb_table_function_bind_tFunction = void Function(duckdb_bind_info info)
Dartduckdb_table_function_init_tFunction = void Function(duckdb_init_info info)
Dartduckdb_table_function_tFunction = void Function(duckdb_function_info info, duckdb_data_chunk output)
Dartidx_t = int
duckdb_aggregate_combine_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_aggregate_combine_tFunction>>
! Combine aggregate states
duckdb_aggregate_combine_tFunction = Void Function(duckdb_function_info info, Pointer<duckdb_aggregate_state> source, Pointer<duckdb_aggregate_state> target, idx_t count)
duckdb_aggregate_destroy_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_aggregate_destroy_tFunction>>
! Destroy aggregate state (optional)
duckdb_aggregate_destroy_tFunction = Void Function(Pointer<duckdb_aggregate_state> states, idx_t count)
duckdb_aggregate_finalize_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_aggregate_finalize_tFunction>>
! Finalize aggregate states into a result vector
duckdb_aggregate_finalize_tFunction = Void Function(duckdb_function_info info, Pointer<duckdb_aggregate_state> source, duckdb_vector result, idx_t count, idx_t offset)
duckdb_aggregate_function = Pointer<_duckdb_aggregate_function>
! An aggregate function. Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_aggregate_function.
duckdb_aggregate_function_set = Pointer<_duckdb_aggregate_function_set>
! A aggregate function set. Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_aggregate_function_set.
duckdb_aggregate_init_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_aggregate_init_tFunction>>
! Initialize the aggregate state
duckdb_aggregate_init_tFunction = Void Function(duckdb_function_info info, duckdb_aggregate_state state)
duckdb_aggregate_state = Pointer<_duckdb_aggregate_state>
! Aggregate state
duckdb_aggregate_state_size = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_aggregate_state_sizeFunction>>
! Returns the aggregate state size
duckdb_aggregate_state_sizeFunction = idx_t Function(duckdb_function_info info)
duckdb_aggregate_update_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_aggregate_update_tFunction>>
! Update a set of aggregate states with new values
duckdb_aggregate_update_tFunction = Void Function(duckdb_function_info info, duckdb_data_chunk input, Pointer<duckdb_aggregate_state> states)
duckdb_appender = Pointer<_duckdb_appender>
! The appender enables fast data loading into DuckDB. ! Must be destroyed with duckdb_appender_destroy.
duckdb_arrow = Pointer<_duckdb_arrow>
! Holds an arrow query result. Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_arrow.
duckdb_arrow_array = Pointer<_duckdb_arrow_array>
! Holds an arrow array. Remember to release the respective ArrowArray object.
duckdb_arrow_schema = Pointer<_duckdb_arrow_schema>
! Holds an arrow schema. Remember to release the respective ArrowSchema object.
duckdb_arrow_stream = Pointer<_duckdb_arrow_stream>
! Holds an arrow array stream. Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_arrow_stream.
duckdb_bind_info = Pointer<_duckdb_bind_info>
! The bind info of the function. When setting this info, it is necessary to pass a destroy-callback function.
duckdb_cast_function = Pointer<_duckdb_cast_function>
! A cast function. Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_cast_function.
duckdb_cast_function_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_cast_function_tFunction>>
duckdb_cast_function_tFunction = Bool Function(duckdb_function_info info, idx_t count, duckdb_vector input, duckdb_vector output)
duckdb_config = Pointer<_duckdb_config>
! Can be used to provide start-up options for the DuckDB instance. ! Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_config.
duckdb_connection = Pointer<_duckdb_connection>
! A connection to a duckdb database. Must be closed with duckdb_disconnect.
duckdb_create_type_info = Pointer<_duckdb_create_type_info>
! Holds extra information used when registering a custom logical type. ! Reserved for future use.
duckdb_data_chunk = Pointer<_duckdb_data_chunk>
! Contains a data chunk from a duckdb_result. ! Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_data_chunk.
duckdb_database = Pointer<_duckdb_database>
! A database object. Should be closed with duckdb_close.
duckdb_delete_callback_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_delete_callback_tFunction>>
! The callback that will be called to destroy data, e.g., ! bind data (if any), init data (if any), extra data for replacement scans (if any)
duckdb_delete_callback_tFunction = Void Function(Pointer<Void> data)
duckdb_extension_info = Pointer<_duckdb_extension_info>
! Holds state during the C API extension intialization process
duckdb_extracted_statements = Pointer<_duckdb_extracted_statements>
! Extracted statements. Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_extracted.
duckdb_function_info = Pointer<_duckdb_function_info>
! Additional function info. When setting this info, it is necessary to pass a destroy-callback function.
duckdb_init_info = Pointer<_duckdb_init_info>
! Additional function init info. When setting this info, it is necessary to pass a destroy-callback function.
duckdb_logical_type = Pointer<_duckdb_logical_type>
! Holds an internal logical type. ! Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_logical_type.
duckdb_pending_result = Pointer<_duckdb_pending_result>
! The pending result represents an intermediate structure for a query that is not yet fully executed. ! Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_pending.
duckdb_prepared_statement = Pointer<_duckdb_prepared_statement>
! A prepared statement is a parameterized query that allows you to bind parameters to it. ! Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_prepare.
duckdb_profiling_info = Pointer<_duckdb_profiling_info>
! Holds a recursive tree that matches the query plan.
duckdb_replacement_callback_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_replacement_callback_tFunction>>
! A replacement scan function that can be added to a database.
duckdb_replacement_callback_tFunction = Void Function(duckdb_replacement_scan_info info, Pointer<Char> table_name, Pointer<Void> data)
duckdb_replacement_scan_info = Pointer<_duckdb_replacement_scan_info>
! Additional replacement scan info. When setting this info, it is necessary to pass a destroy-callback function.
duckdb_scalar_function = Pointer<_duckdb_scalar_function>
! A scalar function. Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_scalar_function.
duckdb_scalar_function_set = Pointer<_duckdb_scalar_function_set>
! A scalar function set. Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_scalar_function_set.
duckdb_scalar_function_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_scalar_function_tFunction>>
! The main function of the scalar function.
duckdb_scalar_function_tFunction = Void Function(duckdb_function_info info, duckdb_data_chunk input, duckdb_vector output)
duckdb_table_description = Pointer<_duckdb_table_description>
! The table description allows querying info about the table. ! Must be destroyed with duckdb_table_description_destroy.
duckdb_table_function = Pointer<_duckdb_table_function>
! A table function. Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_table_function.
duckdb_table_function_bind_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_table_function_bind_tFunction>>
! The bind function of the table function.
duckdb_table_function_bind_tFunction = Void Function(duckdb_bind_info info)
duckdb_table_function_init_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_table_function_init_tFunction>>
! The (possibly thread-local) init function of the table function.
duckdb_table_function_init_tFunction = Void Function(duckdb_init_info info)
duckdb_table_function_t = Pointer<NativeFunction<duckdb_table_function_tFunction>>
! The main function of the table function.
duckdb_table_function_tFunction = Void Function(duckdb_function_info info, duckdb_data_chunk output)
duckdb_task_state = Pointer<Void>
! Used for threading, contains a task state. Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_state.
duckdb_value = Pointer<_duckdb_value>
! Holds a DuckDB value, which wraps a type. ! Must be destroyed with duckdb_destroy_value.
duckdb_vector = Pointer<_duckdb_vector>
! A vector to a specified column in a data chunk. Lives as long as the ! data chunk lives, i.e., must not be destroyed.
idx_t = Uint64
! DuckDB's index type.