

A powerful intent-based router for Flutter, inspired by production-grade architectures in the mobile domain.

See also:


DuckRouter aims to be a router that just works.

  • Intent-based Navigation: Make routing less error prone by defining routes as intents
  • Interceptors: Add pre-navigation logic, perfect for authentication flows or feature flags.
  • Type-safe: Leverage Dart's type system for safer routing.
  • Dynamic routing registry: Routes do not need to be initialised before navigating to them, avoiding tricky bugs.
  • Deeplinking: Adding deeplinking support is trivial, and works reliably.
  • Nested Navigation Support: Easily support complex navigation scenarios.


1. Define Your Locations

Create location (route classes) for each destination in your app. Add as many properties to the class as needed, with any type needed:

class HomeLocation extends Location {
  const HomeLocation() : super(path: 'home');

  LocationBuilder get builder => (context) => const HomeScreen();

class Page1Location extends Location {
  const Page1Location( : super(path: 'page1');

  final Money money; // Or any other type

  LocationBuilder get builder => (context) => const Page1Screen(money);

2. Create Interceptors

If wanted, create interceptors to redirect users.

class AuthInterceptor extends LocationInterceptor {
  Location? execute(Location to, Location? from) {
    if (!loggedIn) {
      return const LoginLocation();
    return null;

3. Set Up the Router

Add the router to your app:

    final router = DuckRouter(initialLocation: ...);
    return MaterialApp.router(
      routerConfig: router,

4. Navigate

Now you can navigate:

DuckRouter.of(context).navigate(to: const Page1Location(money));

Further documentation


Intent-based router for Flutter, supporting deep linking, nesting and more.