drip library


Class to create Interceptors to transforms or intercept new DripEvent The goal of this class is simple change or iterate the DripEvent and the DState whit this changes the state can mutate before is call the method mutableStateOf or before call the DripAction
This class is used to clean the history of the Drip
This is the main class of the Drip package This class implements the _BaseDrip and is used to create a new Drip The Drip is used to manage the state of the application
This abstract class is used to define a new Actions The Actions are used to change the state of the Drip The Actions can live outside the Drip
This abstract class is used to define a new Actions The Actions are used to change the state of the Drip The Actions can live outside the Drip
Dripper<D extends Drip<DState>, DState>
Dripper is a widget that rebuilds when the Drip state changes. It is similar to BlocBuilder in bloc The builder is called when the drip emits a new state The new state can be the same as the previous one
Dripping<D extends Drip<DState>, DState>
This class provide a builder and listener for a Drip The class is similar to Consumer in bloc The builder is called when the drip emits a new state The listener is called when the drip emits a new state different from the previous one
DripProvider<D extends Drip>
Similar to DripProvider but allows to provide multiple Drip The Drip are created using the create function
DropWidget<D extends Drip<DState>, DState, SelectedState>
A widget that listens to a Drip and rebuilds when the Drip emits a new state. That state is then passed to the builder function. To avoid unnecessary rebuilds, the builder function is only called when the selector function returns a new value. The selector function is called with the current state of the Drip and should return a value that is used to determine whether the builder function should be called.
MemoryInterceptor is used to save the history of the Drip This can be helpful to save the state in debug mode
Similar to DripProvider but allows to provide multiple Drip The Drip are created using the create function
This class is used to undo the last state of the Drip


This mixin is used to log the events and states of the Drip


DripProviderX on BuildContext
DripProvider extension help to access the Drip methods using the context


DBuilder<D extends Drip<DState>, DState> = Widget Function(D drip, DState state)
DCreate<D extends Drip> = D Function(BuildContext context)
DListener<DState> = void Function(BuildContext context, DState state)
Next<DState> = Stream<DState> Function(DripEvent event, DState state)
SBuilder<SelectedState> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, SelectedState data)
Selector<DState, T> = T Function(DState state)

Exceptions / Errors
