VersionedView class

A constructed from individual fields instead of being generated with a dedicated class.

Implemented types

Constructors{required String entityName, required DatabaseConnectionUser attachedDatabase, required String createViewStmt, required List<GeneratedColumn<Object> Function(String)> columns, String? alias})
Create a view from the individual fields on ViewInfo.
VersionedView.aliased({required VersionedView source, required String? alias})
Copy an alias to a source view.


$columns List<GeneratedColumn<Object>>
All columns from this table or view.
aliasedName String
The (potentially aliased) name of this table or view.
no setteroverride
asDslTable HasResultSet
Type system sugar. Implementations are likely to inherit from both TableInfo and Tbl and can thus just return their instance.
no setteroverride
attachedDatabase DatabaseConnectionUser
The generated database instance that this view or table is attached to.
columnsByName Map<String, GeneratedColumn<Object>>
Gets all $columns in this table or view, indexed by their (non-escaped) name.
createViewStatements Map<SqlDialect, String>?
The CREATE VIEW sql statement that can be used to create this view, depending on the dialect used by the current database.
no setteroverride
createViewStmt String
The CREATE VIEW sql statement that can be used to create this view.
entityName String
The (unalised) name of this entity in the database.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
query Query<HasResultSet, dynamic>?
Predefined query from
no setteroverride
readTables Set<String>
All tables that this view reads from.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


createAlias(String alias) VersionedView
Creates an alias of this table or view that will write the name alias when used in a query.
map(Map<String, dynamic> data, {String? tablePrefix}) QueryRow
Maps the given row returned by the database into the fitting data class.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.