upload method

Future<Uri> upload(
  1. String name, {
  2. Uri? imagePath,
  3. Uint8List? bytes,
  4. required ImageFormat format,

Upload an image to the Subreddit.

name is the name to be used for the image. If an image already exists with this name, it will be replaced.

imagePath is the path to a JPEG or PNG image. This path must be local and accessible from disk. Will result in an UnsupportedError if provided in a web application.

bytes is a list of bytes representing an image.

format is the format of the image defined by bytes.

On success, the Uri for the uploaded image is returned. On failure, DRAWImageUploadException is thrown.


Future<Uri> upload(String name,
        {Uri? imagePath,
        Uint8List? bytes,
        required ImageFormat format}) async =>
    await _uploadImage(imagePath, bytes, format, <String, String>{
      'name': name,
      _kUploadType: 'img',