select method

Future<void> select(
  1. String flairTemplateId, {
  2. String text = '',

Sets the flair for the current Submission.

flairTemplateId is the name of the FlairTemplate retrieved from choices(). If the FlairTemplate allows for editable text, providing text will be set as the custom text. text must be shorter than 64 characters.


Future<void> select(String flairTemplateId, {String text = ''}) async {
  if (text.length > 64) {
    throw DRAWArgumentError("Argument 'text' must not be longer than"
        ' 64 characters');
  final data = <String, String>{
    'flair_template_id': flairTemplateId,
    'link': _submission.fullname!,
    'text': text,
  final url = apiPath['select_flair']
      .replaceAll(_kSubredditRegExp, _submission.subreddit.displayName);
  await, data, discardResponse: true);