cookie abstract method

String? cookie(
  1. String name, {
  2. String value,
  3. Duration expires,
  4. String path,
  5. bool secure,

Accesses the cookie. *

    • value - the value to set.
  • If value is null (default), it means read, i.e., the cookie's value will
  • be returned. If value is specified, the value will be set, and nothing
  • will be returned.
    • expires - the duration that the cookie will expire.
  • If null (default), the cookie is deleted when the browser is closed.
    • path - the path that the cookie belongs to.
  • If null (default), it belongs to the current page.
  • expires and path are ignored if value is null.


String? cookie(String name, {String value, Duration expires, String path, bool secure});