dquery library


The interface for accessing element data.
A query object of document.
A query object that wraps around tangible objects, such as DOM Elements, HtmlDocument and Window,
A query object of a collection of Element.
A query object that wraps around DOM Elements, HTMLDocument, Window and ShadowRoot which offers API to register event listeners in a batch, or to retrieve other query objects via selectors.
A wrapping of browser Event, to attach more information such as custom event data and name space, etc.


$(dynamic selector, [dynamic context]) ElementQuery
Return an ElementQuery based on given selector and context.
$document([HtmlDocument? document]) DocumentQuery
Return a DocumentQuery wrapping the given document. If document is omitted, the default document instance is assumed.
$shadowRoot(ShadowRoot shadowRoot) Query
Return a WindowQuery wrapping the given window. If window is omitted, the default window instance is used.
$window([Window? window]) DQuery
Return a WindowQuery wrapping the given window. If window is omitted, the default window instance is used.


QueryEventListener = void Function(QueryEvent event)
The handler type for QueryEvent, which is the DQuery analogy of EventListener.
SetupSupplier = bool Function(EventTarget? eventTarget)
TeardownSupplier = bool Function(EventTarget? eventTarget)