reverseGeoCode method

Future<GeoCodeResponse> reverseGeoCode({
  1. double? lat,
  2. double? lon,
  3. GeoCoordinates? geoCoordinates,
  4. ReverseGeoCodeMode mode = ReverseGeoCodeMode.retrieveAddresses,
  5. int maxResults = 1,

reverseGeoCode retrieves the first address around a specified lat & long using a 250 meter radius to retrieve the address. maxResults can be given to get the number of the Results By default value of maxResults is 1 mode defines the Reverse GeCoding Mode ReverseGeoCodeMode.retrieveAddresses Search for the closest street address or addresses ReverseGeoCodeMode.retrieveAreas Retrieve the administrative area information for the position provided in the request ReverseGeoCodeMode.retrieveLandmarks Search for landmarks like parks and lakes in the proximity provided in the request ReverseGeoCodeMode.trackPosition Retrieve street and address information based on a position and bearing ReverseGeoCodeMode.retrieveAll Search for streets, administrative areas and landmarks. This mode aggregates the results of the three different modes in one call


Future<GeoCodeResponse> reverseGeoCode({
  double? lat,
  double? lon,
  GeoCoordinates? geoCoordinates,
  ReverseGeoCodeMode mode = ReverseGeoCodeMode.retrieveAddresses,
  int maxResults = 1,
}) async {
  assert(geoCoordinates != null || (lat != null && lon != null), "You've to provide coordinates");
  assert(maxResults <= 1, 'maxResults should be greater than 1');

  final headers = _createHeader();
  final data = _createMap();

  data['prox'] = geoCoordinates == null ? '$lat,$lon' : '${geoCoordinates.latitude},${geoCoordinates.longitude}';
  data['mode'] = EnumUtils.getName(mode);

  var uri = Uri.https('', '/6.2/reversegeocode.json', data);
  final result = await _callHereApi(uri, headers);
  return GeoCodeResponse.fromJson(result);