GetIt class abstract

Very simple and easy to use service locator You register your object creation factory or an instance of an object with registerFactory, registerSingleton or registerLazySingleton And retrieve the desired object using get or call your locator as function as its a callable class Additionally GetIt offers asynchronous creation functions as well as functions to synchronize the async initialization of multiple Singletons


If you need more than one instance of GetIt you can use asNewInstance() You should prefer to use the instance() method to access the global instance of GetIt.


allowReassignment bool
By default it's not allowed to register a type a second time. If you really need to you can disable the asserts by settingallowReassignment= true
getter/setter pair
allowRegisterMultipleImplementationsOfoneType bool
getter/setter pair
currentScopeName String?
Returns the name of the current scope if it has one otherwise null if you are already on the baseScope it returns 'baseScope'
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
onScopeChanged ↔ void Function(bool pushed)?
Optional call-back that will get call whenever a change in the current scope happens This can be very helpful to update the UI in such a case to make sure it uses the correct Objects after a scope change The getit_mixin has a matching rebuiltOnScopeChange method
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
skipDoubleRegistration bool
By default it's throws error when allowReassignment= false. and trying to register same type If you really need, you can disable the Asserts / Error by settingskipDoubleRegistration= true
getter/setter pair


allReady({Duration? timeout, bool ignorePendingAsyncCreation = false}) Future<void>
returns a Future that completes if all asynchronously created Singletons and any Singleton that had signalsReady==true are ready. This can be used inside a FutureBuilder to change the UI as soon as all initialization is done If you pass a timeout, a WaitingTimeOutException will be thrown if not all Singletons were ready in the given time. The Exception contains details on which Singletons are not ready yet. if allReady should not wait for the completion of async Singletons set ignorePendingAsyncCreation==true
allReadySync([bool ignorePendingAsyncCreation = false]) bool
Returns if all async Singletons are ready without waiting if allReady should not wait for the completion of async Singletons set ignorePendingAsyncCreation==true
call<T extends Object>({String? instanceName, dynamic param1, dynamic param2, Type? type}) → T
Callable class so that you can write GetIt.instance<MyType> instead of GetIt.instance.get<MyType>
changeTypeInstanceName<T extends Object>({String? instanceName, required String newInstanceName, T? instance}) → void
In some cases it can be necessary to change the name of a registered instance This avoids to unregister and reregister the instance which might cause trouble with disposing functions. IMPORTANT: This will only change the the first instance that is found while searching the scopes. If the new name is already in use in the current scope it will throw a StateError instanceName the current name of the instance newInstanceName the new name of the instance instance the instance itself that can be used instead of providing the type and the name. If instance is null the type and the name have to be provided
checkLazySingletonInstanceExists<T extends Object>({String? instanceName}) bool
dropScope(String scopeName) Future<void>
Disposes all registered factories and singletons in the provided scope (in the reverse order in which they were registered), then destroys (drops) the scope. If the dropped scope was the last one, the previous scope becomes active again. if you provided dispose functions on registration, they will be called. if you passed a dispose function when you pushed this scope it will be called before the scope is dropped. As dispose functions can be async, you should await this function.
enableRegisteringMultipleInstancesOfOneType() → void
Till V7.6.7 GetIt didn't allow to register multiple instances of the same type. if you want to register multiple instances of the same type you can enable this and use getAll() to retrieve all instances of that parent type
get<T extends Object>({dynamic param1, dynamic param2, String? instanceName, Type? type}) → T
retrieves or creates an instance of a registered type T depending on the registration function used for this type or based on a name. for factories you can pass up to 2 parameters param1,param2 they have to match the types given at registration with registerFactoryParam() type if you want to get an instance by a Type object instead of a generic parameter.This should rarely be needed but can be useful if you have a runtime type and want to get an instance
getAll<T extends Object>({dynamic param1, dynamic param2, bool fromAllScopes = false}) Iterable<T>
The returned Iterable will then contain all registered instances of the requested interface T with or without an instance name. if the registrations are factories they will each be called with the provided parameters param1,param2 and the results will be returned in the Iterable. fromAllScopes if true it will return all instances from all scopes otherwise only from the current scope
getAllAsync<T extends Object>({dynamic param1, dynamic param2, bool fromAllScopes = false}) Future<Iterable<T>>
The returned Future<Iterable> will then contain all registered async registrations of the requested interface T with or without an instance name. if the registrations are factories they will each be called with the provided parameters param1,param2 and the results will be returned in the Iterable. fromAllScopes if true it will return all instances from all scopes otherwise only from the current scope
getAsync<T extends Object>({String? instanceName, dynamic param1, dynamic param2, Type? type}) Future<T>
Returns a Future of an instance that is created by an async factory or a Singleton that is not ready with its initialization. for async factories you can pass up to 2 parameters param1,param2 they have to match the types given at registration with registerFactoryParamAsync() type if you want to get an instance by a Type object instead of a generic parameter.This should rarely be needed but can be useful if you have a runtime type and want to get an instance
hasScope(String scopeName) bool
Tests if the scope by name scopeName is registered in GetIt
isReady<T extends Object>({Object? instance, String? instanceName, Duration? timeout, Object? callee}) Future<void>
Returns a Future that completes if the instance of a Singleton, defined by Type T or by name instanceName or by passing an existing instance, is ready If you pass a timeout, a WaitingTimeOutException will be thrown if the instance is not ready in the given time. The Exception contains details on which Singletons are not ready at that time. callee optional parameter which makes debugging easier. Pass this in here.
isReadySync<T extends Object>({Object? instance, String? instanceName}) bool
Checks if an async Singleton defined by an instance, a type T or an instanceName is ready without waiting
isRegistered<T extends Object>({Object? instance, String? instanceName}) bool
Tests if an instance of an object or aType T or a name instanceName is registered inside GetIt
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
popScope() Future<void>
Disposes all factories/Singletons that have been registered in this scope and pops (destroys) the scope so that the previous scope gets active again. if you provided dispose functions on registration, they will be called. if you passed a dispose function when you pushed this scope it will be called before the scope is popped. As dispose functions can be async, you should await this function.
popScopesTill(String name, {bool inclusive = true}) Future<bool>
if you have a lot of scopes with names you can pop (see popScope) all scopes above the scope with name including that scope unless inclusive= false Scopes are popped in order from the top As dispose functions can be async, you should await this function. If no scope with name exists, nothing is popped and false is returned
pushNewScope({void init(GetIt getIt)?, String? scopeName, ScopeDisposeFunc? dispose, bool isFinal}) → void
Creates a new registration scope. If you register types after creating a new scope they will hide any previous registration of the same type. Scopes allow you to manage different live times of your Objects. scopeName if you name a scope you can pop all scopes above the named one by using the name. dispose function that will be called when you pop this scope. The scope is still valid while it is executed init optional function to register Objects immediately after the new scope is pushed. This ensures that onScopeChanged will be called after their registration if isFinal is set to true, you can't register any new objects in this scope after this call. In Other words you have to register the objects for this scope inside init if you set isFinal to true. This is useful if you want to ensure that no new objects are registered in this scope by accident which could lead to race conditions
pushNewScopeAsync({Future<void> init(GetIt getIt)?, String? scopeName, ScopeDisposeFunc? dispose}) Future<void>
Creates a new registration scope. If you register types after creating a new scope they will hide any previous registration of the same type. Scopes allow you to manage different live times of your Objects. scopeName if you name a scope you can pop all scopes above the named one by using the name. dispose function that will be called when you pop this scope. The scope is still valid while it is executed init optional asynchronous function to register Objects immediately after the new scope is pushed. This ensures that onScopeChanged will be called after their registration
registerCachedFactory<T extends Object>(FactoryFunc<T> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName}) → void
Like registerFactory but holds a week reference to the last created instance if the instance wasn't garbage collected yet it will return this instance instead of creating a new one
registerCachedFactoryAsync<T extends Object>(FactoryFunc<T> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName}) → void
Like registerFactoryAsync but holds a week reference to the last created instance if the instance wasn't garbage collected yet it will return this instance instead of creating a new one
registerCachedFactoryParam<T extends Object, P1, P2>(FactoryFuncParam<T, P1, P2> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName}) → void
Like registerFactoryParam but holds a week reference to the last created instance if the instance wasn't garbage collected yet, and if the passed parameter haven't changed, it will return this instance instead of creating a new one
registerCachedFactoryParamAsync<T extends Object, P1, P2>(FactoryFuncParam<T, P1, P2> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName}) → void
Like registerFactoryParamAsync but holds a week reference to the last created instance if the instance wasn't garbage collected yet, and if the passed parameter haven't changed, it will return this instance instead of creating a new one
registerFactory<T extends Object>(FactoryFunc<T> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName}) → void
registers a type so that a new instance will be created on each call of get on that type T type to register factoryFunc factory function for this type instanceName if you provide a value here your factory gets registered with that name instead of a type. This should only be necessary if you need to register more than one instance of one type.
registerFactoryAsync<T extends Object>(FactoryFuncAsync<T> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName}) → void
registers a type so that a new instance will be created on each call of getAsync on that type the creation function is executed asynchronously and has to be accessed with getAsync T type to register factoryFunc async factory function for this type instanceName if you provide a value here your factory gets registered with that name instead of a type. This should only be necessary if you need to register more than one instance of one type.
registerFactoryParam<T extends Object, P1, P2>(FactoryFuncParam<T, P1, P2> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName}) → void
registers a type so that a new instance will be created on each call of get on that type based on up to two parameters provided to get() T type to register P1 type of param1 P2 type of param2 if you use only one parameter pass void here factoryFunc factory function for this type that accepts two parameters instanceName if you provide a value here your factory gets registered with that name instead of a type. This should only be necessary if you need to register more than one instance of one type.
registerFactoryParamAsync<T extends Object, P1, P2>(FactoryFuncParamAsync<T, P1?, P2?> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName}) → void
registers a type so that a new instance will be created on each call of getAsync on that type based on up to two parameters provided to getAsync() the creation function is executed asynchronously and has to be accessed with getAsync T type to register P1 type of param1 P2 type of param2 if you use only one parameter pass void here factoryFunc factory function for this type that accepts two parameters instanceName if you provide a value here your factory gets registered with that name instead of a type. This should only be necessary if you need to register more than one instance of one type.
registerLazySingleton<T extends Object>(FactoryFunc<T> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName, DisposingFunc<T>? dispose, bool useWeakReference = false}) → void
registers a type as Singleton by passing a factory function that will be called on the first call of get on that type T type to register factoryFunc factory function for this type instanceName if you provide a value here your factory gets registered with that name instead of a type. This should only be necessary if you need to register more than one instance of one type. registerLazySingleton does not influence allReady however you can wait for and be dependent on a LazySingleton.
registerLazySingletonAsync<T extends Object>(FactoryFuncAsync<T> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName, DisposingFunc<T>? dispose, bool useWeakReference = false}) → void
registers a type as Singleton by passing an async factory function that will be called on the first call of getAsync on that type This is a rather esoteric requirement so you should seldom have the need to use it. This factory function factoryFunc isn't called immediately but wait till the first call by getAsync() or isReady() is made To control if an async Singleton has completed its factoryFunc gets a Completer passed as parameter that has to be completed to signal that this instance is ready. Therefore you have to ensure that the instance is ready before you use get on it or use getAsync() to wait for the completion. You can wait/check if the instance is ready by using isReady() and isReadySync(). instanceName if you provide a value here your instance gets registered with that name instead of a type. This should only be necessary if you need to register more than one instance of one type. registerLazySingletonAsync does not influence allReady however you can wait for and be dependent on a LazySingleton.
registerSingleton<T extends Object>(T instance, {String? instanceName, bool? signalsReady, DisposingFunc<T>? dispose}) → T
registers a type as Singleton by passing an instance of that type that will be returned on each call of get on that type T type to register The newly registered instance will also be returned. instanceName if you provide a value here your instance gets registered with that name instead of a type. This should only be necessary if you need to register more than one instance of one type. If signalsReady is set to true it means that the future you can get from allReady() cannot complete until this instance was signalled ready by calling signalsReady(instance).
registerSingletonAsync<T extends Object>(FactoryFuncAsync<T> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName, Iterable<Type>? dependsOn, bool? signalsReady, DisposingFunc<T>? dispose}) → void
registers a type as Singleton by passing an asynchronous factory function which has to return the instance that will be returned on each call of get on that type. Therefore you have to ensure that the instance is ready before you use get on it or use getAsync() to wait for the completion. You can wait/check if the instance is ready by using isReady() and isReadySync(). factoryFunc is executed immediately if there are no dependencies to other Singletons (see below). As soon as it returns, this instance is marked as ready unless you don't set signalsReady==true instanceName if you provide a value here your instance gets registered with that name instead of a type. This should only be necessary if you need to register more than one instance of one type. dependsOn if this instance depends on other registered Singletons before it can be initialized you can either orchestrate this manually using isReady() or pass a list of the types that the instance depends on here. factoryFunc won't get executed till this types are ready. If signalsReady is set to true it means that the future you can get from allReady() cannot complete until this instance was signalled ready by calling signalsReady(instance). In that case no automatic ready signal is made after completion of factoryFunc
registerSingletonIfAbsent<T extends Object>(T factoryFunc(), {String? instanceName, DisposingFunc<T>? dispose}) → T
---- With reference counting ----
registerSingletonWithDependencies<T extends Object>(FactoryFunc<T> factoryFunc, {String? instanceName, Iterable<Type>? dependsOn, bool? signalsReady, DisposingFunc<T>? dispose}) → void
registers a type as Singleton by passing a factory function of that type that will be called when all dependent Singletons are ready T type to register instanceName if you provide a value here your instance gets registered with that name instead of a type. This should only be necessary if you need to register more than one instance of one type. dependsOn if this instance depends on other registered Singletons before it can be initialized you can either orchestrate this manually using isReady() or pass a list of the types that the instance depends on here. factoryFunc won't get executed till this types are ready. func is called if signalsReady is set to true it means that the future you can get from allReady() cannot complete until this instance was signalled ready by calling signalsReady(instance).
releaseInstance(Object instance) → void
checks if a registered Singleton has an reference counter > 0 if so it decrements the reference counter and if it reaches 0 it unregisters the Singleton if called on an object that's reference counter was never incremented it will immediately unregister and dispose the object
reset({bool dispose = true}) Future<void>
Clears all registered types in the reverse order in which they were registered. Handy when writing unit tests or when disposing services that depend on each other. If you provided dispose function when registering they will be called dispose if false it only resets without calling any dispose functions As dispose functions can be async, you should await this function.
resetLazySingleton<T extends Object>({T? instance, String? instanceName, FutureOr disposingFunction(T)?}) FutureOr
Clears the instance of a lazy singleton, being able to call the factory function on the next call of get on that type again. you select the lazy Singleton you want to reset by either providing an instance, its registered type T or its registration name. if you need to dispose some resources before the reset, you can provide a disposingFunction. This function overrides the disposing you might have provided when registering.
resetScope({bool dispose = true}) Future<void>
Clears all registered types for the current scope in the reverse order of registering them. If you provided dispose function when registering they will be called dispose if false it only resets without calling any dispose functions As dispose functions can be async, you should await this function.
signalReady(Object? instance) → void
Used to manually signal the ready state of a Singleton. If you want to use this mechanism you have to pass signalsReady==true when registering the Singleton. If instance has a value GetIt will search for the responsible Singleton and completes all futures that might be waited for by isReady If all waiting singletons have signalled ready the future you can get from allReady is automatically completed
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
unregister<T extends Object>({Object? instance, String? instanceName, FutureOr disposingFunction(T)?, bool ignoreReferenceCount = false}) FutureOr
Unregister an instance of an object or a factory/singleton by Type T or by name instanceName if you need to dispose any resources you can do it using disposingFunction function that provides an instance of your class to be disposed. This function overrides the disposing you might have provided when registering. If you have enabled reference counting when registering, unregister will only unregister and dispose the object if referenceCount is 0 ignoreReferenceCount if true it will ignore the reference count and unregister the object only use this if you know what you are doing


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

I GetIt
Short form to access the instance of GetIt
no setter
instance GetIt
access to the Singleton instance of GetIt
no setter
noDebugOutput bool
getter/setter pair