
DEPRECATED. This package is now merged into rxdart_ext package. Please use rxdart_ext package for the same purpose, thanks.

  • Distinct & Connectable & ValueStream RxDart Stream.
  • Useful for flutter BLoC pattern - StreamBuilder.

Author: Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học

Build Status Pub codecov

  • x Distinct: distinct until changed.
  • x Value: can synchronous access to the last emitted item.
  • x NotReplay: not replay the latest value.
  • x Connectable: broadcast stream - can be listened to multiple time.
                                Stream (dart:core)
            |                                            |
            |                                            |
        ValueStream (rxdart)                             |
            ^                                            |
            |                                            |
            |                                            |
    NotReplayValueStream (rxdart_ext)                    |
            ^                                    ConnectableStream (rxdart)
            |                                            ^
            |                                            |
    DistinctValueStream (this package)                   |
            ^                                            |
            |                                            |
            |------------                     -----------|
                        |                     |
                        |                     |
                     DistinctValueConnectableStream (this package)



import 'package:distinct_value_connectable_stream/distinct_value_connectable_stream.dart';
class UiState { ... }

final Stream<UiState> state$ = ...;

final distinctState$ = state$.publishValueDistinct(UiState.initial());

  initialData: distinctState$.value,
  stream: distinctState$,
  builder: (context, snapshot) {
    final UiState state = snapshot.requireData;
    return ...;

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học