publishValueDistinct method

DistinctValueConnectableStream<T> publishValueDistinct(
  1. T seedValue, {
  2. bool equals(
    1. T previous,
    2. T next
  3. bool sync = true,

Convert the this Stream into a DistinctValueConnectableStream that can be listened to multiple times, providing an initial seeded value. It will not begin emitting items from the original Stream until the connect method is invoked.

This is useful for converting a single-subscription stream into a broadcast Stream, that also provides access to the latest value synchronously.


final source = Stream.fromIterable([1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]);
final connectable = source.publishValueDistinct(0);

// Does not print anything at first

// Start listening to the source Stream. Will cause the previous
// line to start printing 1, 2, 3
final subscription = connectable.connect();

// Late subscribers will not receive anything

// Can access the latest emitted value synchronously. Prints 3

// Stop emitting items from the source stream and close the underlying
// ValueSubject


DistinctValueConnectableStream<T> publishValueDistinct(
  T seedValue, {
  bool Function(T previous, T next)? equals,
  bool sync = true,
}) =>
    DistinctValueConnectableStream<T>(this, seedValue,
        equals: equals, sync: sync);