dio_smart_retry library

Retry library for Dio package made with love


Creates an instance of MultipartFile that can be recreated and reused.
An interceptor that will try to send failed request again


OptionsX on Options
RequestOptionsX on RequestOptions


defaultRetryableStatuses → const Set<int>
retryableStatuses → const Set<int>
status100Continue → const int
status101SwitchingProtocols → const int
status102Processing → const int
status200OK → const int
status201Created → const int
status202Accepted → const int
status203NonAuthoritative → const int
status204NoContent → const int
status205ResetContent → const int
status206PartialContent → const int
status207Multistatus → const int
status208AlreadyReported → const int
status226IMUsed → const int
status300MultipleChoices → const int
status301MovedPermanently → const int
status302Found → const int
status303SeeOther → const int
status304NotModified → const int
status305UseProxy → const int
status306SwitchProxy → const int
status307TemporaryRedirect → const int
status308PermanentRedirect → const int
status400BadRequest → const int
status401Unauthorized → const int
status402PaymentRequired → const int
status403Forbidden → const int
status404NotFound → const int
status405MethodNotAllowed → const int
status406NotAcceptable → const int
status407ProxyAuthenticationRequired → const int
status408RequestTimeout → const int
status409Conflict → const int
status410Gone → const int
status411LengthRequired → const int
status412PreconditionFailed → const int
status413PayloadTooLarge → const int
status413RequestEntityTooLarge → const int
status414RequestUriTooLong → const int
status414UriTooLong → const int
status415UnsupportedMediaType → const int
status416RangeNotSatisfiable → const int
status416RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable → const int
status417ExpectationFailed → const int
status418ImATeapot → const int
status419AuthenticationTimeout → const int
status421MisdirectedRequest → const int
status422UnprocessableEntity → const int
status423Locked → const int
status424FailedDependency → const int
status426UpgradeRequired → const int
status428PreconditionRequired → const int
status429TooManyRequests → const int
status431RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge → const int
status440LoginTimeout → const int
From IIS
status451UnavailableForLegalReasons → const int
status460ClientClosedRequest → const int
From AWS Elastic Load Balancer
status499ClientClosedRequest → const int
From ngnix
status500InternalServerError → const int
status501NotImplemented → const int
status502BadGateway → const int
status503ServiceUnavailable → const int
status504GatewayTimeout → const int
status505HttpVersionNotSupported → const int
status506VariantAlsoNegotiates → const int
status507InsufficientStorage → const int
status508LoopDetected → const int
status510NotExtended → const int
status511NetworkAuthenticationRequired → const int
status520WebServerReturnedUnknownError → const int
status521WebServerIsDown → const int
status522ConnectionTimedOut → const int
status523OriginIsUnreachable → const int
status524TimeoutOccurred → const int
status525SSLHandshakeFailed → const int
status526InvalidSSLCertificate → const int
status527RailgunError → const int
status598NetworkReadTimeoutError → const int
status599NetworkConnectTimeoutError → const int


isRetryable(int statusCode) bool
Be careful: this method do not take into account RetryInterceptor.retryableExtraStatuses


RetryEvaluator = FutureOr<bool> Function(DioException error, int attempt)