dfn library

dfn Use Dart as your scripting language, and register scripts from anywhere.

# activate dfn
dart pub global activate dfn

# see usage
dfn --help


Dart representation of the .dfn file.


The type of register script.


Fit on String
Helper to fit command usage string.


version → const String
Current version of dfn.


bold String? Function(String? value, {bool forScript = false})
Helper for decorating strings as bold.
dfnConfigAddUsage String
Usage information of dfn config add command:
dfnConfigRemoveUsage String
Usage for dfn config remove or dfn config rm command.
dfnConfigUsage String
Usage for dfn config command:
dfnUsage String
dfn -h or dfn --help output:
home String?
Path to the user's "home" directory.
italic String? Function(String? value, {bool forScript = false})
Helper for decorating strings as italic.


checkForUpdate(DfnConfig config, Logger logger) Future<DfnConfig>
Checks if a new update is available notifies via logger message. Return DfnConfig to be use in rest of application.
checkVerbose(List<String> arguments, Logger logger) → void
Check if --verbose is the first argument and then sets the logger to verbose mode.
getConfig(Logger logger) DfnConfig
Retrieve the dfn configuration. Will create the configuration if it does not exist.
handleAdd(List<String> arguments, Logger logger, DfnConfig configuration) Future<int>
Handler for dfn config add command.
handleConfig(List<String> arguments, Logger logger, DfnConfig config) Future<int>
Handler for dfn config command.
handleHelp(List<String> arguments, Logger logger, DfnConfig _) int
Handler for the dfn -help or dfn -h option.
handleList(List<String> arguments, Logger logger, DfnConfig config) Future<int>
Handler for dfn ls, dfn list command.
handleRemove(List<String> arguments, Logger logger, DfnConfig config) Future<int>
Handler for dfn config remove or dfn config rm command.
handleTarget({required String target, required DfnConfig config, required List<String> args, required Logger logger}) Future<int>
Handler for dfn <target|script>. Execute a script/command file from in this order:
lsScriptFiles({required DfnConfig config, required void onInvalidPath(String), required Logger logger}) Stream<({File file, RegisterSource type})>
Emits all registered scripts in config.
run(List<String> arguments, Logger logger) Future<int>
Entry point for dfn command.
writeConfig(DfnConfig config, Logger logger) DfnConfig
Write to the dfn configuration file. Will create the configuration if it does not exist.


Handler = FutureOr<int> Function(List<String> arguments, Logger logger, DfnConfig config)
Function for handling commands and options.