MiscUtilsOnStringX extension



replaceLast(Pattern from, String replace, [int startIndex = 0]) String

Available on String, provided by the MiscUtilsOnStringX extension

Replaces the last occurrence of from with replace starting at startIndex.
splitByLastOccurrenceOf(String separator) List<String>

Available on String, provided by the MiscUtilsOnStringX extension

truncToLength(int length, {String ellipsis = ''}) String

Available on String, provided by the MiscUtilsOnStringX extension

Truncates the string to the given length. Specify ellipsis to append to he truncated string if it is shorter than length, e.g. 'Hello World'.truncToLength(5, ellipsis: '...') => 'Hello...'.
withNormalizedWhitespace([String replace = ' ']) String

Available on String, provided by the MiscUtilsOnStringX extension

Replaces all whitespace characters with replace.