MapWithDefaultOnMapX<K, V> extension



filterByExcludedKeys(List<K> excludedKeys) Map<K, V>

Available on Map<K, V>, provided by the MapWithDefaultOnMapX extension

Filters the map's entries based on a list of excluded keys. Returns a new map excluding the key-value pairs where the key is found within the excludedKeys.
filterByExcludedValues(List<V> excludedValues) Map<K, V>

Available on Map<K, V>, provided by the MapWithDefaultOnMapX extension

Filters the map's entries based on a list of excluded values. Returns a new map excluding the key-value pairs where the value is found within the excludedValues.
filterByIncludedKeys(List<K> includedKeys) Map<K, V>

Available on Map<K, V>, provided by the MapWithDefaultOnMapX extension

Filters the map's entries based on a list of included keys. Returns a new map containing only the key-value pairs where the key is found within the includedKeys.
filterByIncludedValues(List<V> includedValues) Map<K, V>

Available on Map<K, V>, provided by the MapWithDefaultOnMapX extension

Filters the map's entries based on a list of included values. Returns a new map containing only the key-value pairs where the value is found within the includedValues.
mapWithDefault(dynamic defaultValue) Map<K, dynamic>

Available on Map<K, V>, provided by the MapWithDefaultOnMapX extension

Returns a new map with the same keys as this map but with the specified defaultValue for all values that are null. If defaultValue is null, it simply returns a copy of the original map.