_index.g library


CategorizedPattern<TCategory extends Enum>
Mapper event for collection types, e.g. Map, List, Set.
A mechanism to combine root and subdirectory paths to form combined directory paths that adhere to specific path patterns.
Provides a mechanism to analyze Dart classes from a file path.
DirPathExplorerResult<TCategory extends Enum>
FilePathExplorerResult<TCategory extends Enum>
GeneratorConverger<TInsight, TPlaceholder extends Enum, TFile>
InsightMapper<TInsight, TPlaceholder>
Mapper event base class.
Mapper event for non-collection types, e.g. int, String, DateTime.
Params for _TOnAnnotatedClassCallback.
Params for _TOnAnnotatedMemberCallback.
Params for _TOnAnnotatedMethodCallback.
Params for _TOnClassAnnotationFieldCallback.
Params for _TOnMemberAnnotationFieldsCallback.
Params for _TOnMethodAnnotationFieldCallback.
PathExplorer<TCategory extends Enum>
A mechanism to explore files and folders from specified dirPathGroups.
PathExplorerResult<TCategory extends Enum>
ReplacementProducer<TInsight, TPlaceholder extends Enum>
Provides a mechanism to check if command line args are valid or not.


An enumeration of languages that are partially or fully supported for code generation.


currentScriptDir String
no setter


buildCollectionMapper(Iterable<List<String>> typeData, TTypeMappers<MapperEvent> mappers) String
buildObjectMapper(String type, String fieldName, TTypeMappers<MapperEvent> mappers) String?
clearFile(String filePath) Future<void>
Clears the contents of the file located at filePath.
combinePathSets(List<Set<String>> pathSets) Set<String>
Combines multiple pathSets into a single set, returning all possible combinations.
createDartAnalysisContextCollection(Iterable<String> paths, String? fallbackDartSdkPath) → AnalysisContextCollection
Creates an AnalysisContextCollection from a set of paths. This is used to analyze Dart files.
deleteFile(String filePath) Future<void>
Deletes the file located at filePath.
extractCodeFromMarkdown(String content, {String? langCode}) String
Extracts all code for the language langCode from some Markdown content.
extractCodeSnippetsFromMarkdown(String content, {String? langCode}) List<String>
Extracts all code snippets for the language langCode from some Markdown content.
extractTopmostDirPaths<T>(Iterable<T> dirPaths, {required String toPath(T)}) List<T>
Filters dirPaths by extracting only the topmost directory paths. Use toPath to specify how to map T to the path String.
fileExists(String filePath) Future<bool>
Returns true if the file located at filePath exists.
filterMappersByType(TTypeMappers<MapperEvent> mappers, String type) TTypeMappers<MapperEvent>
Searches mappers for mappers that match the given type and returns them.
findFileByName(String fileName, String directoryPath) Future<File?>
Finds a file with the given fileName in the directory located at directoryPath. Returns null if the directory does not exist or if the
findFilePaths(String rootDirPath, {Set<String> pathPatterns = const {}, bool recursive = true, FutureOr<bool> onFilePathFound(String filePath)?}) Future<List<String>>
Finds all files in rootDirPath, including sub-directories if recursive is true.
findGeneratedFilePaths(String rootDirPath, {required Lang lang, Set<String> pathPatterns = const {}, FutureOr<bool> onFileFound(String filePath)?}) Future<List<String>>
Finds all generated file paths in rootDirPath that for the given lang.
findSourceFilePaths(String rootDirPath, {required Lang lang, Set<String> pathPatterns = const {}, FutureOr<bool> onFileFound(String filePath)?}) Future<List<String>>
Finds all source file paths in rootDirPath that for the given lang.
fixDartFile(String filePath) Future<void>
Fixes the Dart file at filePath via dart fix --apply command.
fmtDartFile(String filePath) Future<void>
Formats the Dart file at filePath via the dart format command
getBaseName(String path) String
Returns the base name of a given file path.
getDesktopPath() String
Gets the current Operating System's Desktop path.
getDirPath(String path) String
Returns the directory path of a given file path.
getFileNameWithoutExtension(String filePath) String
Converts the given filePath to a consistent, local path format.
getPackageLibPath(String package) Future<String?>
Returns the path of the lib directory of package or null if the package is not found.
isMatchingFileName(String filePath, String begType, String endType) → ({String fileName, bool status})
Checks if the file name extracted from filePath matches the specified beginning type begType and ending type endType.
isPrivateFileName(String filePath) bool
Checks if the provided filePath is a private file (starts with an underscore).
listFilePaths(String dirPath, {bool recursive = true}) Future<List<String>?>
Lists the file paths of the files in the directory located at dirPath. Set recursive to true to list the file paths of the files in the sub-directories as well.
loadFileFromGitHub({required String username, required String repo, String branch = 'main', required String filePath}) Future<String>
loadFileFromPathOrUrl(String pathOrUrl) Future<String>
matchesAnyExtension(String filePath, Set<String> extensions, {bool caseSensitive = true}) bool
Checks if the provided filePath matches any of the specified extensions.
matchesAnyPathPattern(String path, Set<String> pathPatterns) bool
Checks if the provided path matches any of the specified pathPatterns.
newTypeMappers<E extends MapperEvent>(TEventMap<E> input) TTypeMappers<E>
parseArgs(Iterable<String> args) Map<String, List<String>>
pathContainsComponent(String path, Set<String> components) bool
Checks if the provided path contains any of the specified components. This operation is case-insensitive.
previewPath(String path) String
Takes the last 3 segments of the path.
printArgParserUsage(ArgParser parser, {required String title, required String description}) → void
Prints the usage information for the given parser.
processCommentAnnots({required String filePath, required Map<String, TLineCallback> onAnnotCallbacks, required Set<String> annotsToDelete, String ignorePattern = r'[@_\s]', String commentAnnotPattern = r'^///?\s*@?([\w ]+)$'}) Future<void>
Processes comment annotations in the file at filePath, invoking the appropriate callbacks from onAnnotCallbacks for each annotation found.
readFile(String filePath) Future<String?>
Reads the contents of the file located at filePath as a String.
readFileAsLines(String filePath) Future<List<String>?>
Reads the contents of the file located at filePath as a list of lines.
runCommandLineApp<T extends ValidArgsChecker>({required String title, required String description, required List<String> args, required ArgParser parser, required T onResults(ArgParser parser, ArgResults results), required Future<void> action(ArgParser parser, ArgResults results, T checker)}) Future<void>
A helper for creating and running a basic command-line application.
splitArg(dynamic input, [Pattern separator = '&']) Iterable<String>?
Splits the given input string by the given separator and trims each part.
toLocalSystemPathFormat(String path) String
Replaces all forward slashes in path with the local path separator.
toUnixSystemPathFormat(String path) String
Replaces all backslashes in path with forward slashes.
toWindowsSystemPathFormat(String path) String
Replaces all forward slashes in path with backslashes.
writeFile(String filePath, String content, {bool append = false}) Future<void>
Writes the given content to the file located at filePath. Set append to true to append the content to the file instead of overwriting it.


TEventMap<E extends MapperEvent> = Map<String, _TEventMapper<E>>
TExploreResult<TCategory extends Enum> = Future<({Set<DirPathExplorerResult<TCategory>> dirPathResults, Set<FilePathExplorerResult<TCategory>> filePathResults, Set<DirPathExplorerResult<TCategory>> rootDirPathResults})>
TLineCallback = Future<bool> Function(int lineNumber, List<String> lines, String filePath)
TTypeMappers<E extends MapperEvent> = Map<String, String Function(E event)>