deleteEventInstance method

Future<Result<bool>> deleteEventInstance(
  1. String? calendarId,
  2. String? eventId,
  3. int? startDate,
  4. int? endDate,
  5. bool deleteFollowingInstances,

Deletes an instance of a recurring event from a calendar. This should be used for a recurring event only.
If startDate, endDate or deleteFollowingInstances is not valid or null, then all instances of the event will be deleted.

The calendarId parameter is the id of the calendar that plugin will try to delete the event from
The eventId parameter is the id of the event that plugin will try to delete
The startDate parameter is the start date of the instance to delete
The endDate parameter is the end date of the instance to delete
The deleteFollowingInstances parameter will also delete the following instances if set to true

Returns a Result indicating if the instance of the event has (true) or has not (false) been deleted from the calendar


Future<Result<bool>> deleteEventInstance(
  String? calendarId,
  String? eventId,
  int? startDate,
  int? endDate,
  bool deleteFollowingInstances,
) async {
  return _invokeChannelMethod(
    assertParameters: (result) {

        eventId?.isNotEmpty ?? false,
    arguments: () => <String, Object?>{
      ChannelConstants.parameterNameCalendarId: calendarId,
      ChannelConstants.parameterNameEventId: eventId,
      ChannelConstants.parameterNameEventStartDate: startDate,
      ChannelConstants.parameterNameEventEndDate: endDate,