DeltaString extension
- on
→ Future<
List< String> > -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
The findCoordinates extension uses a regular expression (coordinatesRegExp) to find coordinate pairs in the provided text. It matches coordinates in the format "(latitude, longitude)" with both positive and negative values for latitude and setter
) → String -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
String Formatting: Extensions for formatting strings, such as adding thousands separators to a number string. -
) → String -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
String Capitalization: Extensions for capitalizing the first letter of a string or capitalizing the first letter of each word in a string. -
) → String -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
String Capitalization: Extensions for capitalizing the first letter of a string or capitalizing the first letter of each word in a string. -
{List< String> ? censors}) → String -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
We define a list of bad words (badWords) that you want to censor. -
String targetLetter) → int -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
The countLetter extension counts the occurrences of a specific single letter within a given text here's and Example: -
String target) → int -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
To count the occurrences of the letters sequence in a text and check for consecutive occurrences of target letters Here's -
String targetWord) → int -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
The countWord extension counts the occurrences of a specific word within a given text. It splits the text into words using spaces as delimiters and then counts the occurrences of the target word. -
String text) → List< String> -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
The findPhoneNumbers function uses a regular expression (phoneRegExp) to find phone numbers in the provided text. It can match phone numbers in various common formats like "123-456-7890," "(555) 555-5555," "987.654.3210," and "888 888 8888." -
String text) → List< String> -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
The findUrls function takes a text parameter and uses a regular expression to find URLs within the text. It then extracts the matched URLs and adds them to a list, which is returned by the function. -
) → bool -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
String Validation: Extensions for validating strings, such as checking if a string is a valid email address. -
{int length = 10}) → String -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
This will generate a randomly unorganized string length property will be consider as the random string length -
) → String -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
String Conversion: Extensions for converting a string to formats like snake_case or kebab-case. -
) → String -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
String Conversion: Extensions for converting a string to formats like snake_case -
int maxLength) → String -
Available on String, provided by the DeltaString extension
String Truncation: An extension to truncate a string to a specified length and add an ellipsis if it exceeds that length.