
pub package style: very good analysis License: Apache

Dehancer Slider is a Flutter package that provides configurable and easy to use slider UI value picker.

There is a like button. Give it a shot 👍



Supported platforms

  • Flutter iOS
  • Flutter Android
  • Flutter Web
  • Flutter Desktop

Getting Started

Add the package reference to pubspec.yaml

Two ways to add the package to your pubspec:

  • (Recommend) Run flutter pub add dehancer_slider.
  • Add the package reference in your pubspec.yaml's dependencies section:
  dehancer_slider: ^1.0.4

The latest stable version is: pub package

Import in your projects

import 'package:dehancer_slider/dehancer_slider.dart';

Usage Examples

Slider with values from 0 to 100

	minValue: 0,
	maxValue: 100,
	defaultValue: 0,
	startValue: 0,
	value: 0,

Slider with values from -3 to 3

	minValue: -3,
	maxValue: 3,
	defaultValue: 0,
	startValue: 0,
	value: 0,

Slider with values from 0 to 100 and default value 20

Default value is a value that will be used on reset (on double tap)

	minValue: 0,
	maxValue: 100,
	defaultValue: 20,
	startValue: 0,
	value: 0,

Slider with values from 0 to 100 and start value 20

Default value is a value that will displayed as a marker on track

	minValue: 0,
	maxValue: 100,
	defaultValue: 0,
	startValue: 20,
	value: 0,
	onValueChanged: (value) {

Slider with values from 0 to 100 and value change handlers

	minValue: 0,
	maxValue: 100,
	defaultValue: 0,
	startValue: 0,
	value: 0,
	onValueChangeStarted: (value) {
	onValueChanged: (value) {

Slider with values from 0 to 100 and scroll change handler

This handler might be used to block vertical scrolling while user changes slider value. Check example for more information.

	minValue: 0,
	maxValue: 100,
	defaultValue: 0,
	startValue: 0,
	value: 0,
	onScrollingChanged: (isChanging) {

