RequiredPick class

A picked object holding the value (never null) and giving access to useful parsing functions

Available Extensions


RequiredPick(dynamic value, {List<Object> path = const [], Map<String, Object?>? context})


addContext RequiredPick Function(String key, dynamic value)
no setteroverride
context Map<String, dynamic>
Attaches additional information which can be used during parsing. i.e the HTTP request/response including headers
debugParsingExit String
Returns a human readable String of the requested path and the actual parsed value following the path along (followablePath).
no setterinherited
followablePath List<Object>
The path segments containing non-null values parsing could follow along
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int?
The index of the object when it is an element in a List
no setterinherited
isAbsent bool
Allows the distinction between the actual value null and the value not being available
no setterinherited
missingValueAtIndex int?
When the picked value is unavailable (Pick.isAbsent) the index in path which couldn't be found
no setterinherited
path List<Object>
The full path to value inside of the object
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
value Object
The picked value, might be null
covariantgetter/setter pairoverride-getter


call([Object? arg0, Object? arg1, Object? arg2, Object? arg3, Object? arg4, Object? arg5, Object? arg6, Object? arg7, Object? arg8, Object? arg9]) Pick
fromContext(String key, [Object? arg0, Object? arg1, Object? arg2, Object? arg3, Object? arg4, Object? arg5, Object? arg6, Object? arg7, Object? arg8]) Pick
Pick values from the context using the Pick API
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
nullable() Pick
required() RequiredPick
Enter a "required" context which requires the picked value to be non-null or a PickException is thrown.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
withContext(String key, Object? value) RequiredPick
Attaches additional information which can be used during parsing. i.e the HTTP request/response including headers


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.