asListOrThrow<T> method

List<T> asListOrThrow<T>(
  1. T map(
    1. RequiredPick
    ), {
  2. T whenNull(
    1. Pick pick

Returns the picked value as List. This method throws when value is not a List or isAbsent

Each item in the list gets mapped, even when the list contains null values. To simplify the api, only non-null values get mapped with the map function. By default, null values are ignored. To explicitly map null values, use the whenNull mapping function.

final persons = pick([
  {'name': 'John Snow'},
  {'name': 'Daenerys Targaryen'},
  null, // <-- valid value
  (pick) => Person.fromPick(pick),
  whenNull: (it) => null,

// persons
  Person(name: 'John Snow'),
  Person(name: 'Daenerys Targaryen'),

For some apis it is important to get the access to the index of an element in the list. Access it via index which is only available for list elements, otherwise null.


pick(["John", "Paul", "George", "Ringo"]).asListOrThrow((pick) {
 final index = pick.index!;
 return Artist(id: index, name: pick.asStringOrThrow());


List<T> asListOrThrow<T>(
  T Function(RequiredPick) map, {
  T Function(Pick pick)? whenNull,
}) {
    'Use asListOrEmpty()/asListOrNull() when the value may be null/absent at some point (List<$T>?).',
  return _parse(map, whenNull: whenNull);