scopesRequest method

  1. @override
Future<void> scopesRequest(
  1. Request request,
  2. ScopesArguments args,
  3. void sendResponse(
    1. ScopesResponseBody

scopesRequest is called by the client to request all of the variables scopes available for a given stack frame.


Future<void> scopesRequest(
  Request request,
  ScopesArguments args,
  void Function(ScopesResponseBody) sendResponse,
) async {
  final storedData = isolateManager.getStoredData(args.frameId);
  final thread = storedData?.thread;
  final data = storedData?.data;
  final frameData = data is vm.Frame ? data : null;
  final scopes = <Scope>[];

  if (frameData != null && thread != null) {
      name: 'Locals',
      presentationHint: 'locals',
      variablesReference: thread.storeData(
        FrameScopeData(frameData, FrameScopeDataKind.locals),
      expensive: false,

      name: 'Globals',
      presentationHint: 'globals',
      variablesReference: thread.storeData(
        FrameScopeData(frameData, FrameScopeDataKind.globals),
      expensive: false,

    // If the top frame has an exception, add an additional section to allow
    // that to be inspected.
    final exceptionReference = thread.exceptionReference;
    if (exceptionReference != null) {
        name: 'Exceptions',
        variablesReference: exceptionReference,
        expensive: false,

  sendResponse(ScopesResponseBody(scopes: scopes));