initializeRequest method

  1. @override
Future<void> initializeRequest(
  1. Request request,
  2. DartInitializeRequestArguments args,
  3. void sendResponse(
    1. Capabilities

initializeRequest is the first call from the client during initialization and allows exchanging capabilities and configuration between client and server.

The lifecycle is described in the DAP spec here: with a summary in this classes description.


Future<void> initializeRequest(
  Request request,
  DartInitializeRequestArguments args,
  void Function(Capabilities) sendResponse,
) async {
  // Capture args so we can read capabilities later.
  _initializeArgs = args;

  // TODO(dantup): Capture/honor editor-specific settings like linesStartAt1
    exceptionBreakpointFilters: [
        filter: 'All',
        label: 'All Exceptions',
        defaultValue: false,
        filter: 'Unhandled',
        label: 'Uncaught Exceptions',
        defaultValue: true,
    supportsClipboardContext: true,
    supportsConditionalBreakpoints: true,
    supportsConfigurationDoneRequest: true,
    supportsDelayedStackTraceLoading: true,
    supportsEvaluateForHovers: true,
    supportsValueFormattingOptions: true,
    supportsLogPoints: true,
    supportsRestartRequest: supportsRestartRequest,
    supportsRestartFrame: true,
    supportsTerminateRequest: true,

  // This must only be sent AFTER the response!