windows library

barrel file for windows specific functions.


Windows Power Shell
Windows Power Shell


Common code for Windows shells.


defaultRegistryValueName → const String
Use this key when adding a value to a default (Default) registry key.
hrFileNotFound → const int
The system cannot find the file specified.


regAppendToPath(String newPath) → void
Collection of Windows specific registry functions. Appends newPath to the Windows PATH environment variable.
regCreateKey(int hKey, String subKey) → void
Creates a registry key.
regDeleteKey(int hkey, String subKey) → void
Deletes an registry key.
regDeleteValue(int hkey, String subKey, String valueName) → void
Deletes an registry key.
regGetDWORD(int hkey, String subKey, String valueName, {int accessRights = KEY_QUERY_VALUE}) int
Reads a DWORD from the registry.
regGetExpandString(int hkey, String subKey, String valueName, {int accessRights = KEY_QUERY_VALUE, bool expand = true}) String
Retrieves a registry value located at hkey/subKey/valueName that is of type REG_EXPAND_SZ.
regGetString(int hkey, String subKey, String valueName, {int accessRights = KEY_QUERY_VALUE}) String
Gets a Windows registry value o0f type REG_SZ hkey is typically HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
regGetUserPath({bool expand = true}) List<String>
Gets the User's Path (as opposed to the system path) as a list.
regIsOnUserPath(String path) bool
Returns true if the given path is on the user's path.
regKeyExists(int hkey, String subKey) bool
Tests if a registry key exists.
regPrependToPath(String newPath) → void
Prepend newPath to the Windows PATH environment variable.
regReplacePath(List<String> newPaths) → void
Replaced the existing Windows PATH with newPaths.
regSetDWORD(int hkey, String subKey, String valueName, int value, {int accessRights = KEY_SET_VALUE}) → void
Sets a Windows registry key to a string value of type REG_SZ.
regSetExpandString(int hkey, String subKey, String valueName, String value, {int accessRights = KEY_SET_VALUE}) → void
Sets the value of the hkey located at hkey/subKey in the Windows Registry. The value is set to type REG_EXPAND_SZ.
regSetNone(int hkey, String subKey, String valueName, {int accessRights = KEY_SET_VALUE}) → void
Sets a Windows registry valueName with a type REG_NONE.
regSetString(int hkey, String subKey, String valueName, String value, {int accessRights = KEY_SET_VALUE}) → void
Sets a Windows registry key to a string value of type REG_SZ.