releasePrivileges method

  1. @override
void releasePrivileges()

On Linux and MacOS systems makes the script run as a non-privileged user even when started with sudo.

This method is used to overcome issues when running as sudo where the script would change the ownership to root:root for any created/modified file.

This method is normally called as the first line of your main() method.

Calling this method on Windows is unnecessary but harmless.

Calling this method for a non-privileged user has no affect.

On Linux and MacOS releasing privileges sets the uid and gid to the user's original privileges so any files that are created/modified get the original user's uid/gid.

You should use this method in conjuctions with withPrivileges so that only specific parts of your code run with privileges.

You must NEVER call releasePrivileges within a withPrivileges action.

void main(){

 ///  downgrade script to not run as sudo

 /// ... do some non-sudo things

 /// any code within the following code block will be run
 /// with sudo privileges.
 Shell.current.withPrivileges(() {
   copyTree('\etc\keys', '\some\insecure\location');



void releasePrivileges() {
  // no op.
  verbose(() => 'releasePrivileges called on UnknownShell. ignored');