lib/daynight_timepicker library


createInlinePicker() → void
showPicker({Key? key, BuildContext? context, required Time value, required void onChange(Time), bool isInlinePicker = false, void onChangeDateTime(DateTime)?, void onCancel()?, bool is24HrFormat = false, Color? accentColor, Color? unselectedColor, bool isOnChangeValueMode = false, String cancelText = 'Cancel', String okText = 'Ok', Image? sunAsset, Image? moonAsset, bool blurredBackground = false, bool ltrMode = true, Color barrierColor = Colors.black45, double? borderRadius, double? elevation, EdgeInsets? dialogInsetPadding = const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 40.0, vertical: 24.0), bool barrierDismissible = true, bool iosStylePicker = false, bool displayHeader = true, String hourLabel = 'hours', String minuteLabel = 'minutes', String secondLabel = 'seconds', TimePickerInterval minuteInterval = TimePickerInterval.ONE, TimePickerInterval secondInterval = TimePickerInterval.ONE, bool disableMinute = false, bool disableHour = false, double minMinute = 0, double maxMinute = 59, double minSecond = 0, double maxSecond = 59, ThemeData? themeData, bool focusMinutePicker = false, double minHour = double.infinity, double maxHour = double.infinity, TextStyle okStyle = const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), TextStyle cancelStyle = const TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), ButtonStyle? buttonStyle, ButtonStyle? cancelButtonStyle, double? buttonsSpacing, bool hideButtons = false, bool disableAutoFocusToNextInput = false, double width = 300, double height = 400, bool showSecondSelector = false, double? wheelHeight, bool showCancelButton = true, dynamic sunrise = const TimeOfDay(hour: 6, minute: 0), dynamic sunset = const TimeOfDay(hour: 18, minute: 0), dynamic duskSpanInMinutes = 120, RouteSettings? settings}) → dynamic
The function that shows the DayNightTimePicker