bilateral method

List<String> bilateral()

say-deal between insider and outsider Missions. "We are gathered here to make some deals.." PLAN: Operation, where are 2 bidders. Not ready.


List<String> bilateral() {
  //  code
  int _count = 0;
  List<String> retL = [];
  String _word = '';
  //  Find if objects have same interests in say-map
  for (var x in insider.say.keys) {
    //  howTo NULL data toList from Map
    List<String> wordL = outsider.say[x]!.split(' ');

    print(':outsider:wordL:  $wordL    ');
    //  leave first word out.  like: packDawo, Dartlang, aso
    for (var _wC = 1; _wC < wordL.length; _wC++) {
      //  line 199 col 13: Use contains instead of indexOf
      if (x.contains(_word)) {
        _word = wordL[_wC];
        String _ni =, 3);
        String _no =, 3);
        String _nb = ('$_ni:$_no');

        String _sb = bilateralM[x].toString();

        ///  Update map value with new word.
        bilateralM[x] = ('$_sb$_nb  ');
        print(':bilateral:success: :name: $_nb::   $_word');
        retL.add('$_nb w:$_word');

        ///  t.mapUpdate  if not exists.

    } //  --  wordL
  } //  --insider.say
  bilateralL.addAll(retL); //  empty this list in some phase
  print(':bilateral:success:    $retL  :count:  $_count');
  return retL;