roll method

void roll()


void roll() {
  print(':M:D:roll: -->-->  :mission:data:roll: by mission:Build -->>-->>');

  /// #NEXT: Carry values to scoutJoin in connector
  /// Fields describe actions in connector and binding.
  packDawoMission.say = {
        ':packDawo :Learn :Programming  :MATH :VISUALIZE :THINKING :PLAN',
    'lang': ':packDawo :LANG :HERE :ARE :ALL :WORDS :FIND_MORE :SAVE',
    'area': ':packDawo :WEB  :MOBILE :CL aso :SERVER :CLIENT :DB',
    'product': ':packDawo :dawolang :dawo :huilo :punch :parley aso',
    'sell': ':packDawo :BuyME :RentME :SendMe :HireMe :Power',
    'buy': ':packDawo :ADVIDCE :TIME :MyTime :Projects',
    'ask': ':packDawo :Stack :GITTER :ASK3',
    'always': ':packDawo :alwaysX :alwaysY :alwaysZ :packDawo :FRIENDLY',
    'newer': ':packDawo :NO :UGLY :HUILO :ANGRY :SORROW'

  ///  Planning to use placardM with #Lang type Strings.
  ///  Present info for outer process calls.
  packDawoMission.placardM = {
    'actor': 'a: packDawoM ',
    'sender': 's: packDawoCon ',
    'receiver': 'r: :ALL :DartLAng',
    'command': 'cmd: :JOIN :BUY',
    'msg': 'msg: :LEARN :RENT :LECTURE :DAWO ',
  packDawoMission.clause =
      'packDawo :ALL :QUEST :HELP :FIND :DATA :CODE :FREE';

  helsinkiMission.say = {
    'purpose': ':helsinkiMis: :ThisMissionBLAA blaa blaa',
    'sell': ':HMis: :ALE :TODAY :FOR_SALE :FOR_RENT :FREE :',
    'buy': ':HMis: :MATERIAL :TIME',
    'ask': ':HMis: :ASK1 :ASK2 :ASK3',
    'newer': ':HMis: :FEAR :MISTRUST :CRIME : :HUILO'
  helsinkiMission.clause = ':ALL :QUEST :HELP :FIND :DATA :CODE';
  helsinkiMission.placardM = {
    'actor': 'a:hMis ',
    'sender': 's: hMis ',
    'receiver': 'r: :ALL :TOURISM',
    'command': 'cmd: :COME :BUY :RENT ',
    'msg': 'msg:hMis ',

  dartlangMission.say = {
    'purpose': ':dartlangMis :Learn :WebProgramming :Tools :library :api',
    'lang': ':dlMis :LANG :EASY :FAMILIAR :NEW :EFFECTIVE :WEB :',
    'area': ':dlMis :WEB  :MOBILE :CL aso :SERVER :CLIENT :DB',
    'sell': ':dlMis :Power :Learn :Help :Info :Examples',
    'buy': ':dlMis :Jobs :License :Projects :PushRequests :',
    'ask': ':dlMis :GitHub :Stack :Gitter :GPlus :Misc',
    'always': ':dlMis :FREE :FRIENDLY :EASY :FAST :',
    'newer': ':dlMis :HUILO :BAD :UGLY :SORROW :ANGRY :UNTRUST :'
  dartlangMission.clause = ':ALL :QUEST :HELP :FIND :DATA :CODE';

  dartlangMission.placardM = {
    'actor': 'a:dLang:',
    'sender': 's:dLang ',
    'receiver': 'r: :ALL _PUBLIC :EDUCATION :WEB',
    'command': 'cmd: ',
    'msg': 'msg:',

  myMusicMission.say = {
    'purpose': ':myMusicMis :JOY :ENTERTAINMENT :COMMUNITY :',
    'lang': ':mmMis :HEAR :LISTEN :MY :ListenMe :Train :HighLevel :Practice',
    'area': ':mmMis :Country  :Folk :own :Misc :Operett :Classic :Old :',
    'product': ':mmMis :CONCERT :JAM :StreetMusic :PARTY :DRUNKEN_PARTY',
    'sell': ':mmMis :EVENT :BuyMe :RentME :ListenMe',
    'buy': ':mmMis :MATERIAL :TIME',
    'ask': ':mmMis :SingTechnic :Tenor :MusicTheory',
    'always': ':mmMis :Peace :Beauty :Hope :Understand :',
    'newer': ':mmMis :NO :UGLY :HUILO :Disappointment :Fear'
  myMusicMission.clause = ':ALL :QUEST :HELP :FIND :DATA :CODE';
  myMusicMission.placardM = {
    'actor': 'a:myMus:',
    'sender': 's: myMusicMis',
    'receiver': 'r: :ALL :FRIENDS :MUSIC',
    'command': 'cmd: :LISTEN :ENJOY :BUY :RENT',
    'msg': 'msg: myMusicMsg :MUSIC :SINGING ',

  myTimeMission.say = {
    'purpose': ':myTime :Effectiveness :SYSTEM :ORDER ',
    'lang': ':myTime :TIME :NOW :SOON :NEWER :SAVE :WASTE',
    'area': ':myTime :TODAY  :TOMORROW :NEXT',
    'product': ':myTime :Peace :Order :',
    'sell': ':myTime :BuyMyTime :Mayber :Rarely :OnlyByOrder',
    'buy': ':myTime :Programming :Learning :Education',
    'ask': ':myTime :YouHaveTime :When :HowLong',
    'always': ':myTime :alwaysX :alwaysY :alwaysZ :myTime',
    'newer': ':myTime :NO :Hurry :UnOrder :Fussy :HUILO :Rush'
  myTimeMission.clause = ':ALL :QUEST :HELP :FIND :DATA :CODE';
  myTimeMission.placardM = {
    'actor': 'a: ',
    'sender': 's: ',
    'receiver': 'r: ',
    'command': 'cmd: ',
    'msg': 'msg: ',

  nationalParksMission.say = {
    'purpose': ':natParkMis :Movement :Freshment :Health :Nature',
    'lang': ':npMis :LANG :HERE :COME :VISIT :ENJOY :WALK',
    'area': ':npMis :SEA  :LAND :FOREST :MORE :',
    'product': ':npMis :NATURE :ANIMALS :EXPERIENCE :FRESH_AIR',
    'ask': ':npMis :MAP :INFO :QUIDE :ROOM :DANGER :FIRST_HELP',
    'always': ':npMis :Healthy :Cheap :Special :Fendly :',
    'newer': ':npMis :NO :UGLY :HUILO :Shit :Hostile :Unfriendly'
  nationalParksMission.clause = ':ALL :QUEST :HELP :FIND :DATA :CODE';

  nationalParksMission.placardM = {
    'actor': 'a: ',
    'sender': 's: ',
    'receiver': 'r: ',
    'command': 'cmd: ',
    'msg': 'msg: ',

  print(':M:D:roll: --<<--<<  :mission:data:roll: done --<<--<<');

  //  #NEXT  give data also to other missions