report method

List<String> report(
  1. String caller,
  2. bool detailsB

Report of mission data used by: devBox_C: By; dawoApp-:rM:


List<String> report(String caller, bool detailsB) {
  //  NOTE  If more than 9 Chores, need something else.
  String choreLengthS = choreL.length.toString();
  String choreS = getChoreNamesS();
  String _plcMS = tl.rowFromMap(placardM, 3, 0);
  String ps1 = ('**. $name  M: $motto                 .');
  String ps2 = ('** Clause:  $clause                     ');
  String ps3 = ('**  st: $st                                             ');
  String ps4 = ('**  rDone: $_rollDone  rCount: $_rollCount    ');
  String ps5 = ('**  OpSt: $_opSt   opCount:  $_opCount ');
  String ps6 = ('** $_stFlags                                            ');
  String ps7 = ('** rollSchedule: $_rollSchedule  ');
  String ps8 = ('_________________________________________________________');
  String ps9 = ('** Chrs: $choreLengthS  $choreS    ');
  String ps10 =
      ('PlacardM $_plcMS, 3,0)  _______________________________________');
  // String ps11 = ('p2 _$placardM  _______________________________________');

  //var _l = [ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4, ps5, ps6, ps7, ps8, ps9, ps10];
  List<String> _l = [ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4, ps5, ps6, ps7, ps8, ps9, ps10];

  /*  devl:MIS  howTo mapToList
  print('----------say Map in mission   ----');
  List<String> _infoL = [];
  //  Get say Map Map to list
  _infoL.forEach(print) ;
  /*  mission say structure:
  String px1 = ('purpose                   ');
  String px2 = ('lang':                    ');
  String px3 = ('area':                    ');
  String px4 = ('product                   ');
  String px5 = ('sell':                   ');
  String px6 = ('buy': '                   ');
  String px7 = ('ask': '                   ');
  String px8 = ('always'                   ');
  String px9 = ('newer'                   ');
  String px10 = (                    ');

  //  _l.forEach(print);
  ///  glorious coding. Once again;  choreL and default chores
  if (detailsB) {
    print('\n *** :M: report details : choreL : For mission: $name ***');
    choreL.forEach((x) {
      //  print(x.rowInfo());

    print('\n *** :M: report details clayMap chores For mission: $name ***');
    //  clayMap.forEach((k, v) => print('$k, $v'));
    print('************************ :M: report details done   ******** \n ');
  return _l;