getDiagonalList method

void getDiagonalList(
  1. String caller

Form diagonal List and plant boxed search-data inside it.


void getDiagonalList(String caller) {
  print('-->>--   effort : getDiagonalList    -->>-->>  ');
  List<String> diagonalL = [];
  diagonalL.addAll(iterableDiagonalM(effortLM, 197));

  //  ***************************************************************
  //  **  print('--------- tl.valuesInStr and eff.effortLM test  ------');
  //  **  List<List<int>> intL = [];
  //  **  intL.addAll(tl.valuesInStr(eff.effortLM, 'V:', 'D:'));
  //  **  intL.forEach(print);
  //  **  intL.clear();

  //  ** print('----- tl.valuesInStr phaseM with Strings in.  test  ------');
  // **  example howTo extract only int values, like: [3, 4] [4, 5] ..
  List<List<int>> phaseIntL = [];
  List<Map<String, String>> tmpM = [];
  //  now we got phaseM as only Map in List<Map<String, String>>
  phaseIntL.addAll(tl.valuesInStr(tmpM, 'V:', 'D:'));
  List<String> phaseIntLStr = ['* phaseM *'];

  //  phaseIntL.forEach(print);
  //  ***************************************************************

  ///  Three lists used to hold box-shaped effort-data from effort-maps.
  List<String> _l1 = ['* Valuable: *'];
  List<String> _l2 = ['* Effort: *'];
  List<String> _l3 = ['* Done: *'];
  List<String> _l4 = ['* Recommendation: *']; //  Value - effort  HIGH!!
  List<String> _l5 = ['* PING *'];

  ///  Three lists that get their data from effort / user_json
  List<String> _lBus = ['JSON-BUS'];
  List<String> _lFury = ['JSON-FURY'];
  List<String> _lHuman = ['JSON-HUMAN'];

  _l1.addAll(effortTable(effortLM, 'V:', 7, 12));

  ///  Take  22 items where #Effort (E:N) value is high, key 12 wide text.
  _l2.addAll(effortTable(effortLM, 'E:', 12, 22));
  _l3.addAll(effortTable(effortLM, 'D:', 8, 9));

  //  build List _l4   * Recommendation: *
  //  OLD   _l4.addAll(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']);
  //  call::  highValue(effortLM, 15, 6)

  //  build List _l5
  _l5.addAll(['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6']);

  ///  calling class Effort method
  _lBus.addAll(eff.getUserData('bus', ':ef:g-diag:'));
  _lFury.addAll(eff.getUserData('fury', ':ef:g-diag:'));
  _lHuman.addAll(eff.getUserData('human', ':ef:g-diag:'));

  List<String> dayL = [
    'Monday   8',
    'Tuesday 11',
    'Friday  15',
    'Chat 13.30'
  tl.boxInList(9, 2, 100, 100, dayL, diagonalL);
  List<String> priorityL = [
    '1 Customs',
    '2 Deals',
    '3 Bugs',
    '4 Example'
  //  new parameters 3 and 4: _items, _w ( width of text)
  //  100, 100 is often harmless guess, but too long list breaks.
  tl.boxInList(2, 72, 100, 100, priorityL, diagonalL);
  //  If you do not know list length and what width you want, try 100
  tl.boxInList(2, 94, 100, 100, _l1, diagonalL);
  tl.boxInList(2, 160, 100, 100, _l2, diagonalL);
  tl.boxInList(18, 19, 100, 100, _l3, diagonalL);

  tl.boxInList(18, 39, 100, 100, _l4, diagonalL);
  tl.boxInList(18, 1, 100, 100, _l5, diagonalL);

  ///  devl:MIS  new  phaseIntLStr List with 5, 7 ..  3, 6  aso values
  tl.boxInList(26, 166, 100, 100, phaseIntLStr, diagonalL);

  ///  Adding json-to-List data to diagonalL matrix.
  tl.boxInList(26, 65, 100, 100, _lFury, diagonalL);
  tl.boxInList(29, 33, 100, 100, _lBus, diagonalL);
  tl.boxInList(15, 1, 100, 100, _lHuman, diagonalL);
  tl.boxInList(14, 0, 100, 100, ['peg'], diagonalL);
  tl.boxInList(1, 30, 100, 100, [':effort:get:diagonal:list:'], diagonalL);
  tl.boxInList(1, 170, 100, 100, ['dartlang app  Dawo 0.1.0+'], diagonalL);

  print('--<<--<<--   effort : getDiagonalList  done   ...... \n');