initCamp method

bool initCamp(
  1. int openCount,
  2. dynamic openThis

Create some camp___ methods, #then: find some job for them. Renamed to: campXX Function, that OPENS way to use outer resources. #camp.. system in 15% devState. NEXT:


bool initCamp(int openCount, var openThis) {
  ///  use resource, equ class to get practical usable #things.
  _flowC('-->-m-->  :M:camp:$name  campInit ', _pB);
  _flowC(':camp: opInit-info: Get necessary data for camp-operations. >>',
  _flowC('>>  :camp:Resource :simulation: from app upper level.', _pB); = true; //  Resource class activate.
  //  campOn;
  //  campDone;
  //  campCount;

  bool _initB = false; // _initB used only here.
  //  devl:MIS unfinished #IDEA: code to initialize variables in system. #WTF
  return _initB;