popular method

String popular(
  1. Map<String, String> _pcM

Individual Chore's connector-operations are done here.


String popular(Map<String, String> _pcM) {
  _flowC('-->  ch roll=>:popular:  $name -->---->', _pB);

  ///  NOTE  placardM is not used.  devl:MIS
  String _retStr = '';
  print('-->>-->>--  :Ch:popular: calling :connector:  -->>-->>--');
  String connectorMsg = ':EVERY chore :MAY :COME :TO :JOIN :TOMORROW :8clock';

  ///  new parameter name; do we get it to right chore name?
  connector.join(name, placardM, connectorMsg, ':Ch:popular:');

  ///  Make placard in shape.
  ///  devl:MIS  operation class instance
  ///  order: #actor #sender #receiver #command #msg
  Affair chPopularClass =
  ///  devl:MIS  Affair(name, 'chore', 'rec:test', 'assignComProChore', 'all ok');
  ///  devl:MIS  Affair
      Affair('chore', 'rec:test', 'all ok');

  //  use buffer somewhere
  StringBuffer _retBuf = StringBuffer();
  _retBuf.writeln('_retBuf in chore-popular method is ready...');

  ///  devl:MIS  Mediate clay-stuff itemL to Process
  ///  With actual command:
  ///  Add placardM to parameters
      ':Ch:popular:', chPopularClass, placardM, assignComProChore));
  print('\n ---------- :chore:popular: and  process  ----------------------');

  print('------------ :chore:popular: and  process  done  -------------- \n');
  buf.writeln(':ch:buf: :popular: for chore: $name  done');
  _flowC('<-- ch roll-popular: $name  done <----<--', _pB);
  return _retStr;